Toolifter places 2nd in the open heavyweight @ Colorado State show


Well-known member
Big congrats to him for a lot of hard work. Next up the USA or Nationals! Way to go again.

I should also say these were taken on wednesday before carbing up and dropping water. Maybe we can get him to post up the new ones from the show.

Can you post the other pics I sent you? Not sure how...

Thanks for the support everyone. Have to say again DMS is on the money with his prep. Couldn't have done it without him-

Caballo Pills said:
nice delts son. only thing u need to do is triple size those things and you'd 1% near my status. good stuff though but aside from focusing the delts is to triple stack your gear load. you won't get anywhere without supersizing your stack load and fueling up twice a day. SERIOUSLY you could have something going there

Hmmmm...Guess I don't really know what you're getting at???

These pics don't do the guy justice, he was big and full for sure, and more separated that what is showing. He lost to the eventual overall winner and it was close. Tough being tall bro lol!
amplificateur de cheval said:
no, i did a little research and according to caballo pills's website, .

I thought you never heard of this guy??? Your sad guy, seriously! Stop riunning peoples threads u lil' piece of shit!
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LiftTillIDie said:
Tool what are your stats?

At weigh in I was 222 3/4 and if I had to guess about 3.5-4% BF...never really know, maybe higher. 11 days later and I'm 250 about 7%...still have all my vascularity and abs. I'm about 6'2"...
[QUOTE='tensity]These pics don't do the guy justice, he was big and full for sure, and more separated that what is showing. He lost to the eventual overall winner and it was close. Tough being tall bro lol![/QUOTE]

Yeah and you have it tougher than I do LOL! Guess I need to be at 275 before my next prep...lotsa work to do. Your up next bro!
amplificateur de cheval said:
no, i did a little research and according to caballo pills's website, he lost because he didn't quadristack his steroid load. he was supposed to do multiple amounts of cycles but never followed through. pretty sad he coulda been first had he ultimately did a few extra stacks and geared up. it says tool did a moderate cycle which wasn't too beneficial. remember to keep working hard man and invest into some extra cycles and you'll pull first next time.

WTF?!?!? That has to be one of the largest loads of :bsflag: I've ever heard lol! Seriously, get the hell outta here :dumbass:
Pferdantreiber said:
yah hey nice photos u need more mass you know the drill. hey dirk are u and tool workout buddies? like do you guys spot each other at the gym? alright cool man keep working out more photos

Thanks man...great feedback in your post :rolleyes:
Not too difficult to see why Dirk opted out of being a mod here to just be a member to help those who have genuine questions and aren't here to waste peoples time or jump on threads and ramble off senseless bullshit because they have nothing better to do. Favor bro...go post somewhere else unless you have some constructive input. Thanks.

TOOLifter said:
Not too difficult to see why Dirk opted out of being a mod here to just be a member to help those who have genuine questions and aren't here to waste peoples time or jump on threads and ramble off senseless bullshit because they have nothing better to do. Favor bro...go post somewhere else unless you have some constructive input. Thanks.


Trust me you don't even know!!!!!!

I will give you a bit of advice---Its only going to get worse for ya the farther you go. There are so many haters out there that are jealous of individuals who have genetics and determination.
wow you look awsome on stage!! Your gonna do great things just keep on truckin man!! haha kinda cheezy but you have an awsome physique and you have a good ammount of mass on it... just add a little more in the off season if you can and your good to go!

Your most muscular pose on stage pic is freakin impressive.