Toolifter places 2nd in the open heavyweight @ Colorado State show

TOOLifter said:
Not too difficult to see why Dirk opted out of being a mod here to just be a member to help those who have genuine questions and aren't here to waste peoples time or jump on threads and ramble off senseless bullshit because they have nothing better to do. Favor bro...go post somewhere else unless you have some constructive input. Thanks.


Being a mod anywhere is like that.
DirkMoneyshot said:
Trust me you don't even know!!!!!!

I will give you a bit of advice---Its only going to get worse for ya the farther you go. There are so many haters out there that are jealous of individuals who have genetics and determination.

When you are good at anything, people will ultimately hate you for it.
AngryMuscles said:
more pics!!

We will actually be outlining his diet and photos throughout the offseason and up to the '07 Nationals-

I'm basically going to lay everything on the table and let people see how we go about dieting for a show.
DirkMoneyshot said:
Trust me you don't even know!!!!!!

I will give you a bit of advice---Its only going to get worse for ya the farther you go. There are so many haters out there that are jealous of individuals who have genetics and determination.

Toolifter, you looked and did great.

Dirk, awesome work again man!!
DirkMoneyshot said:
We will actually be outlining his diet and photos throughout the offseason and up to the '07 Nationals-

I'm basically going to lay everything on the table and let people see how we go about dieting for a show.

This will be valuable info for everyone. Where do you plan on posting it?
LiftTillIDie said:
This will be valuable info for everyone. Where do you plan on posting it?

In the diet section most likely- I would like to see that section become a little more used. Hopefully some new ideas will help.
DirkMoneyshot said:
In the diet section most likely- I would like to see that section become a little more used. Hopefully some new ideas will help.

Good idea. I think the diet and training forums are pretty under-used here.
Thanks everybody for the remarks--

I agree that the diet forum is an especially under-used resource. Too many focus on what kind of gear and how to build their next "great" cycle...instead of understanding nutrition and the HUGE foundational role it plays in bodybuilding. Nuts and bolts.

I'm excited to see how people respond to this off-season program Dirk will lay out up to and including the prep for the '07 nationals. If people are smart they will really study it- I guarentee there will be alot to be learned. I know there will be for me.
