i have a bro whom i work out with at the gym, didnt even know he ever took it. he told me he had thyroif problems, after probing him, i found he took T3 before 2 years back for a cutter. I asked if thats what caused his problem and what he was taking as far as dosage? He said yes and he only took two tabs a day for 6 weeks. thats 50mcg/day for 6 weeks, enoug for thyroid suppression in this individual. Maybe not enough for you, but just cause you read someones shit, say a cycle on the board, doesnt mean you should do the same, his body is obviously different than yours, cycles of all drugs should be calculated based off of your body, not the current standard on the boards
personally, i would run T3 at 12.5 mcg/day. non-supressive dose, be very careful, shit does hapen, becaus eiot didnt happen to him, doesnt mean it wont happen to you