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Borrowed info from friends at steroidworld. Remember jyzza just took some pics in March 29th of him looking pretty sick.
from: Getbig and Flexonline..
IFBB superstar Tom Prince was recently admitted into a Los Angeles area hospital due to bleeding ulcers and kidney malfunction, but has since been released and is now recovering at home in Marina Del Rey. Prince told FLEXonline that his ordeal began after he saw a doctor for sharp stomach pain he had been experiencing for a couple of weeks. "I thought it was just the usual discomfort from dieting," said Prince, who was preparing to compete at the Night Of Champions on May 31. "But my wife Rebecca dragged me to the doctor's office, and after they ran some tests, the doctor told me to go immediately to an emergency room."
The 34-year-old bodybuilder went straight to Harbor UCLA hospital, where he was diagnosed with bleeding ulcers and kidney malfunction. He was admitted into intensive care, where he was treated for a few days until being released.
Though still shaken by the diagnosis, Prince says he's feeling much improved, but has been instructed by physicians to hold off on bodybuilding-related activities for the time being. Also, he's been forced to follow a strict low-protein diet in order to help his body heal. "This diet is the exact opposite of a bodybuilding diet," he told us. "It's quite a change."
Prince hopes that his recovery will be complete, but he won't consider resuming his career until he gets a clean bill of health. "I'm not closing the door on my career, yet," he said. "But I'm not going to rush into it or do anything reckless. As you get older, you start to appreciate your life more, and think about the future. I definitely am done for this year, though."
From Tom Prince:
To say that I hate to have to be writing this is a severe understatement. Left with any other choice, I'd still be doing the NOC.
After being sick for more than a week, and having to be forced, literally, by my wife, to go to the doctor, I finally did so. I went to a local clinic in Marina Del Rey, CA, where I live. The doctor that ran a standard blood panel, came back with my test results, and very nicely, told my wife that she should take me to the emergency room IMMEDIATELY.
So, Rebecca and I went to get some ice cream before going to the Harbor UCLA Medical Center (rememeber, I was dieting). I was at the hospital for 15 minutes before they admitted me into ICU (Intensive Care Unit).
I've got bleeding ulcers that make eating anything very difficult. Especially all the protein from chciken and turkey. I also have some kidney damage.
They THINK the prognosis is good, and that there's a possibility I could one day compete again. But that's doctor's, and what THEY say.
I, however, have a whole lot to think about. My friends, family, the writers, people at Weider, and whoever has found out to this point, seems to think I'm going to make a snap decision in 15 minutes. NOPE.
I've got MONTHS to decide what to do, while my kidney's and ulcers heal. I plan on taking MONTHS to decide what to do. I want to see how fast, if at all, my body and organs, heal. There's no rush, and no timetable just to satisfy someone else's agenda for when they think I should compete.
from: Getbig and Flexonline..
IFBB superstar Tom Prince was recently admitted into a Los Angeles area hospital due to bleeding ulcers and kidney malfunction, but has since been released and is now recovering at home in Marina Del Rey. Prince told FLEXonline that his ordeal began after he saw a doctor for sharp stomach pain he had been experiencing for a couple of weeks. "I thought it was just the usual discomfort from dieting," said Prince, who was preparing to compete at the Night Of Champions on May 31. "But my wife Rebecca dragged me to the doctor's office, and after they ran some tests, the doctor told me to go immediately to an emergency room."
The 34-year-old bodybuilder went straight to Harbor UCLA hospital, where he was diagnosed with bleeding ulcers and kidney malfunction. He was admitted into intensive care, where he was treated for a few days until being released.
Though still shaken by the diagnosis, Prince says he's feeling much improved, but has been instructed by physicians to hold off on bodybuilding-related activities for the time being. Also, he's been forced to follow a strict low-protein diet in order to help his body heal. "This diet is the exact opposite of a bodybuilding diet," he told us. "It's quite a change."
Prince hopes that his recovery will be complete, but he won't consider resuming his career until he gets a clean bill of health. "I'm not closing the door on my career, yet," he said. "But I'm not going to rush into it or do anything reckless. As you get older, you start to appreciate your life more, and think about the future. I definitely am done for this year, though."
From Tom Prince:
To say that I hate to have to be writing this is a severe understatement. Left with any other choice, I'd still be doing the NOC.
After being sick for more than a week, and having to be forced, literally, by my wife, to go to the doctor, I finally did so. I went to a local clinic in Marina Del Rey, CA, where I live. The doctor that ran a standard blood panel, came back with my test results, and very nicely, told my wife that she should take me to the emergency room IMMEDIATELY.
So, Rebecca and I went to get some ice cream before going to the Harbor UCLA Medical Center (rememeber, I was dieting). I was at the hospital for 15 minutes before they admitted me into ICU (Intensive Care Unit).
I've got bleeding ulcers that make eating anything very difficult. Especially all the protein from chciken and turkey. I also have some kidney damage.
They THINK the prognosis is good, and that there's a possibility I could one day compete again. But that's doctor's, and what THEY say.
I, however, have a whole lot to think about. My friends, family, the writers, people at Weider, and whoever has found out to this point, seems to think I'm going to make a snap decision in 15 minutes. NOPE.
I've got MONTHS to decide what to do, while my kidney's and ulcers heal. I plan on taking MONTHS to decide what to do. I want to see how fast, if at all, my body and organs, heal. There's no rush, and no timetable just to satisfy someone else's agenda for when they think I should compete.