Total Newbie who just bought 10ml of test cyp @ 100mg/ml


I am banned!
Hello and pardon my ignorance...will a test cyp vial of this amount be worth taking to build muscle at only 150 mg for a 6 week cycle ? at that low dose would i need Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or pct ? How about hairloss chances ? Never taken roids before , and my natural test levels are in the mid to high norm range. I'm an on an off again weight lifter who is now taking lifting seriously as a lifestyle as of 3 months ago and take creatine and protein powder..43 years old with one remaining fully functioning kidney after other one was removed due to cancer, but otherwise totally healthy. Anyone ? Thanks ! 5'10 165 lbs fit dont know bodyfat %
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Stick around here, look at the sticky at the top of the forum and start reading, you are about to get FLAMED BIGTIME.... boy do i feel sorry for you bro!!!
Relax bro...if you have nothing useful to sy, don't waste your time and mine , alright ? Do you even lift bro ?
The wolves are coming bro, what I have said to this point isn't even offensive trust me, you are gonna see!!

No price talk either, read the rules you trolls!!
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I'm a newbie too. I wouldn't waste my time with that either after reading the info on here the last few months. In my opinion if your going to do it-do it right. Do the correct doses with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and post cycle therapy (pct). If you've have also only been lifting for a few months seriuosly I would lift for at least a year just to get your muscle and joints used to the motions again.

These are only recommendations not holy grail.

Good luck

Whats funny is , of all the forums I've been to..Poker forums , Mustang forums , and now this forum...hilarious how sensitive the posters are LOL..lady-like really..who really cares if I post what I paid for it ? Who really cares when people ask where to buy it ? Are you THAT afraid and paranoid of the law ? lol Relax bro , it's the internet..don't take it so , enjoy life a little more
^^ yep I have to agree with bhrees. Try to get enough to run at least 500 mg a week. Anything less than that will just shut you down hard with no benefit. BUT before you do all that you need to really read the stickies and probably EAT and lift hard for a couple more months. At 165 lbs you are pretty thin for your height unless you are shredded, which I doubt due to your post
Well I would recommend at least 500mg's a week for 12 weeks for a test only cycle. Have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand like aromasine or arimidex. And make sure to run a post cycle therapy (pct) of clomid and nolva. Not to be mean or nothing bro, but you overpaid that vial of test.