Training Advice


New member
When working out particular muscle groups (arms, legs, back...) how many different excercises are good to do? Meaning...when working you do incline, decline regular bench press, flys...4 sets of 6-10? Do you use even more excercises or less than that? I'm trying to build muscle to increase my metab. I have been doing a minimum of four different excercises per muscle group.

I hope that made sense...I'm a bit

Help Please!
typically I do about 3 different excercises per body part.

example: I do arms on Mondays and I do 3 bicep excercises, then 3 tricep excercises, finished off with a couple forearm excercises.

Typically I do 4 sets per excercise and my first set for each excercise is around 15 reps as a warmup and then drop reps and increase weight for each following set.