Training to become a Strongman


New member
I have never did one of these logs on here before, but since I'm out of work right now, I have plenty of spare time so I figured what the hell, why not? My workouts are diffrent than most on here because I don't lift like a bodybuilder or a powerlifter. I'm actually doing strongman training and hoping to enter a contest this summer. I just started doing these types of workouts several months ago. I had several back injuries over the years, so for the longest time squats, deads, cleans, etc. were out of the question, but I've always been interested in strongman traing, I just could not do it because of my back. The last several months my back has gotten alot better, so I figured I would give it a shot. My workouts and diet are most likely way diffrent than most on here. My workouts are always changing to help me improve the areas I'm lacking in. There will be some workouts that I will be training for power, other times I train for strength, sometimes for muscle growth, and sometimes I have days where I only train events. I have become obsessed with this training the last several months. The cycles I use since starting this training are relatively small compared to bodybuilding cycles. I actually started my current cycle two weeks ago. Cycle : 500 mg Test E weeks 1-10
60 mg Tren Ace EOD weeks 1-10
150 mg Test P EOD weeks 11-12
Clomid for pct
I run the Test P for the two weeks before I begin PCT. Yea, I know the Tren is low, but it affects my cardio in high dosages and cardio is so important in this type of training. Also, I only use it for strength and it does not take a big cycle to improve strength in comparison to cycling for muscle growth. Though I have ran a cycle similar to this before and my size gains were quite nice. As far as my stats: I'm thirty years old, I have been working out off and on for over 15 years, bodyweight: 270lbs., height: b/n
6' and 6'1, two previous cycles. I would really like to get my weight up a little more, maybe like 290-300 lbs. because I'm in the heavyweight divsion but I'm small for a heavy weight. This is going to be hard to do because I have a relatively small frame.
I believe I can do it though. Doing this type of training I have to train many diffrent lifts from Deadlifts and variations, variations of squats, cleans and snatches, etc.. I do not do awhole lot of bench, but I do try to get in some kind at least once a week, often it will be close grip or med. grip press.
The exercises and rep schemes I use change quite often because I need to be strong in so many ways, but I do have a general lay out of the types of lifts I will do each day:
Events, Cardio, or OFF
Some type of deads
Some type of squats
Stretching and Abs
Press Day- Several Press Movements
Cardio or OFF
Pull Day- Several Pull Movements
Events, Cardio, or OFF
I will start posting my workouts tomorrow and will post my diets when I have the time.

Workout for 4/17/11-
I had a pretty light, short workout today because I have been working out really hard and feel a little over trained.
Deadlift Holds-3X265X1min.
*45 sec rest
Farmers Carry-10X175X50ft.
*Went really light on these
Atlas Stone-10X205
*Went from ground to shoulder, no rest b/n reps
Suicides-Did these for about 10 mins. to work on cardio and speed.

Meal 1:
4 whole eggs
8 slices bacon
2 flour tortillas
12 oz Milk
Protein Shake/2000g Fish Oil/Vit C/200 mg Caffeine
Post Workout:
Protein Shake and 2 mint cookies
Meal 2:
PB&J sandwich
8 oz milk
Meal 3:
About 1/2 lb lasagna
Meal 4:
4 oz country fried steak w/ gravy
Meal 5:
4 oz hamburger meat
4 oz pasta
Meal 6:
1 lb of baked chicken
Meal 7:
2 PB&J sandwiches
1/2 c. cottage cheese
8 oz. milk

Deadlifts and squats tomorrow! Hopin to kill it after an easy weekend!
You had a lot of issues with your back and nothing hits your back as hard as "strongman" especially if you want to will put your back through hell

tren is nice but i think deca would be better for you instead
Sadista, I have been putting my back through hell doing these workouts. My pain has decreased a good bit the last year or so, but when I do farmers carry or atlas stones it hurts like hell. I also agree that deca would be better for what Im doin, but I had the tren left over from before I started the "strongman" training so I figured I would go ahead and use it. Actually planning a deca cycle for late summer, early Sept. maybe. Not only will it help me gain mass and strength, deca makes my joints feel great. Tren kind of dries my joints it seems if I go over around 300 mg a week. Also kills my cardio.
Anyway, only slept for an hour last night because I had some things goin on so the hardcore workout I was planning to do today went out the window.
Workout 4/18:
Rack Deadlifts(Rack was knee level): 135X5, 225X5, 315X5, 365X5, 475(5X5)
*Used straps on the 5 sets of 475, no belt, 30 sec rest b/n sets
Box Squats(Narrow stance 18 inches, slightly below parallel): 135X5, 225X1, 315X1, 415(4X1), 415(1X2)
*Did these with narrow stance because they seem harder and did not have the energy for heavy weight. Also, went touch and go on all sets except the last. On last set came to complete sit down stop, paused for 1 count and stood up as quick as I could. No belt,
1 min. rest b/n sets
Calf Raise- 315(2X25)
*Should put more effort in these, my calf strength and muscle endurance is really lacking!
Front Squats- 225X5
*Planning to do these as my main squat next week! Need to work on form!
Sumo Deadlifts- 135X40
*Was planning to hit 50 reps, but my back felt tight and hurt, so I stopped.
*Stretched 5 mins. before and after workout
Diet for 4/18:
Meal 1:
4 whole eggs
6 slices bacon
1 c. grits
12 oz milk
Meal 2:
can of tuna w/ mayo
2 slices bread
Meal 3:
pb&j sandwich
8 oz milk
protein shake, fish oil, glucosamine, vit c, 300mg caffeine
protein shake
Meal 4:
8 oz tilapia
2 biscuits
2 oz alfredo pasta
Meal 5:
1 lb chicken
1/2 can of corn
Meal 6:
1 pb&j sandwich
1/2 cup cottage cheese
8 oz milk
My weight was 265 today, really fluctuates alot. Sometimes I go as high as 272, then other days low like today. May be a mental thing but seems like even this low dose of tren is fucking up my appetite just two weeks in. Having to force feed myself. I do wake up during the night hungry though and either drink a glass of milk or eat some cereal. Easy day of stretching and abs tomorrow, maybe some light cardio.
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I had a really busy day today, so I didn't have time to get my stretching and abs in. Guess I will do them Thursday. Diet also sucked today b/c I had nothing cooked and had no time to cook. I ate too much junk and not enough protein. Guess I'll be doing a lot of cooking tomorrow. Presses coming up tomorrow. Thinking maybe some kind of overhead press and some type of bench. Tired as hell, tryin to get to bed on time tonight!
After skipping my stretching on Tuesday I also ended up skipping yesterday because we went to get a new car and it took forever. I felt like I had a cold too, so I ate a crap load of vit c and feel fine today. Had a pretty decent workout, but I have not been motivated for shit lately.
Workout 4/21:
Med. Grip Bench(hands about 18in. apart): 135X8, 225X5, 315(5X5)
*First three sets of 315 were really light, could've damn near threw it up and caught it. After the last two sets my tri's, chest, and shoulders were all feeling the pump. I make sure to really lockout my tri's at the top!
Push Press (Front): 135X5, 225X5, 275(2X1)
*Turned out that doing bench before these was a bonehead move. I thought I would be ok since I used moderate weight on bench, but I was wrong. Had planned to do 5X1-2 on these and barely got a total of 2 working set reps. I also had about 4 reps I failed on. Had no problem getting the weight up, but could not lockout at all after doing the med grip bench.
(Speed)Front Press(Fat Bar Grips): 135(8X5)
*I do these as fast as possible while still locking out at the top. Also only rest 30 sec. b/n sets. Held up the last rep on the last set as long as I could till arms were wobbling, maybe 45 sec. Shoulders were on fire!
Front Raise(Palms Facing In): 35X15,10,10
*30 sec. rest b/n sets!
Side Bends: 45(4X12)
*No rest b/n sets
Weighted Crunches: 45X50
*Also did a few leg raises after this. *Stretching 5 mins. b/f and after workout!
I really suck at push presses. I can do more on seated front presses than on push press even though I have the advantage of using my legs on push presses. Pull day coming up tomorrow. Thinking maybe power cleans and snatches which should be just awesome considering I never tried snatches. Been watching clips on youtube to figure out the correct way to do these. I use to do cleans and clean and press, but trying to increase my strength in all ways. Should be fun!
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My shoulders were pretty sore today when I got up. For some reason my lats were too, maybe all those freakin failed presses.
Still had decent energy for my workout.
Workout 4/22:
Power Cleans: 135X5, 225X3, 235X1, 245X1
*Failed 2 more attempts at 255! I had not done these since high school until bout 4 weeks ago.
Power Snatches: 45X10, 135(4X3), 185X1
*Never done these before. Mostly practiced my form, but still was wore out after these and cleans. Did one heavier set just so I knew I wasn't a complete sissy.
Pull Ups: BW(10,8,6,6)
*Used wide overhand grip, short rest b/n sets.
Reverse EZ Bar Curls: 65X12, 85X12, 105X12
*Good pump, just enough rest to add weight.
BB Shrugs: 225X12, 315X12, 405X10
*Tired as hell at this point, short rest
C. Raise: 315(2X10)
*Try to get in calf work whenever I can but quickly found out I was too tired to put in any effort! I had been takin short rest b/n sets and when changing exercises.
Decent workout and tried some new things. I usually just do power cleans or a variation, bb rows, or some type of deadlift variation on pull day, but have decided to try out snatches, one arm snatches, and other forms of snatches occassionally to help with my overall strength. I actually tried to do olympic snatch instead of power snatches today, but quickly found out I really need to work on my flexibility for these. I see people on the olympics doing this with 450 lbs., damn that's crazy. Thinking maybe just practice one or two events tomorrow and do some stretching and cardio.
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