Training while on Gear!!!


New member
How should you alter your training while running gear? I know that it is harder to over train while your juiced, but I'm not sure if it is impossible or not. any words of wisdom? thanks
I don't see why you would change anything? You should have been training hard already and rest and recovery is even more important while on cycle.
I think the big no-no is to train "too hard" while juiced up, as it can make one prone to injury. *

* in the sense that test adds more muscle mass, without strengthing tendons/ligaments, and BBers throw around heavy weights a lot.
Its all kind of relative. Experienced bodybuilders know how to gain, maintain,
and grow (on or off) taking the ups and downs included while keeping an upward
trend. Hope that makes sense...

Off cycle I still do all bread and butter core movements (Squats, DL's, Shoulder press's, bench, pullups, etc) with the same intensity.
I work with lighter weight, adjust my food intake, and give more time for recovery. For example, 225 feels much heavier on bent-over rows than 405 during "on" time. Just keep on liftin and eatin man.


Is you diet in check for a cycle? What kind of shape you in? How you been long training?
if your about to start a cycle with the thinking that its harder to overtrain while on is a bad thought. its just about the same you just want to work out more and harder. if you go with that thinking your going to tear a tendon or something.

i had an idiot friend tell me that i wont feel sore and i could work out the same muscles every day...lets just say thats the same friend that i brought up pct to and he never heard of it and told me that my nipples getting sore was a normal thing.
i do what my body tells me, i usually go all out on the sauce. but my time doesnt change in the gym, but i get alot more done during the same time.
Bust your ass but keep the calories up. I have hurt myself while training on gear with insufficient calories. Even shitty calories are better than insufficient good calories IMO.
if your about to start a cycle with the thinking that its harder to overtrain while on is a bad thought. its just about the same you just want to work out more and harder. if you go with that thinking your going to tear a tendon or something.

i had an idiot friend tell me that i wont feel sore and i could work out the same muscles every day...lets just say thats the same friend that i brought up pct to and he never heard of it and told me that my nipples getting sore was a normal thing.

I agree. Keep your training the same, that is if it was good in the first place. You can overtrain your muscles on gear just as easy as without it. It doesn't protect you from that.
Its all kind of relative. Experienced bodybuilders know how to gain, maintain,
and grow (on or off) taking the ups and downs included while keeping an upward
trend. Hope that makes sense...

Off cycle I still do all bread and butter core movements (Squats, DL's, Shoulder press's, bench, pullups, etc) with the same intensity.
I work with lighter weight, adjust my food intake, and give more time for recovery. For example, 225 feels much heavier on bent-over rows than 405 during "on" time. Just keep on liftin and eatin man.


Is you diet in check for a cycle? What kind of shape you in? How you been long training?

thank you for the response.. I am currently talking with 3J on my diet. I have been training clean for the last 12 years with exception of taking taking a few breaks on and off for the last couple of years due to a shoulder injury. I have been working hard to train around my injury for the last 8 mo. and I am happy with my results so far but I am ready to go to the next level now.

Also, my got my blood work back and my test lvls are 205!!! she tried to prescribe me testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but what she wanted to put me on would have made things worse!
205..what is the range on her scale ?
That s barely enough to maintain proper bone mass...on my doc s scale...
there NO possible way i can keep my volume the same when coming off, or down to a cruise, its just not gonna happen. and i grow just fine.

IMO AAS are used so that you can train harder and more often, to stimulate more growth than you could naturally, so this whole thing about training the same is news to me.

thinking any thing other than that leads me to believe that you guys think AAS put the weight on for you. Even mark mcgwire knew that, he has plainly told the media, AAS dont make you big, they allow you to train harder, and longer, and more often.
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I always do more volume, more intensity and more supersets. If I'm cutting I increase the cardio and drop the calories/carbs more than I would natty.

I also lift heavier of course.
No problem bro. Be very careful with the shoulder as you get stronger and progress.
Shoulder just takes so long to heal..
and is involved in so many movements.

Good thing also getting your bloodwork
done before your cycle. I agree with
everyone that a 205 T level is in the dirt.

With levels that low weight training just
becomes destructive to the body. Your not
going to build anything, just tear it down.

Consider the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) from your doc, but just
to start as most don't understand the dosing and will take you on a rollercoaster. There are some good providers out
there.. hope that helps.