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How should you alter your training while running gear? I know that it is harder to over train while your juiced, but I'm not sure if it is impossible or not. any words of wisdom? thanks
I don't see why you would change anything? You should have been training hard already and rest and recovery is even more important while on cycle.
if your about to start a cycle with the thinking that its harder to overtrain while on is a bad thought. its just about the same you just want to work out more and harder. if you go with that thinking your going to tear a tendon or something.
i had an idiot friend tell me that i wont feel sore and i could work out the same muscles every day...lets just say thats the same friend that i brought up pct to and he never heard of it and told me that my nipples getting sore was a normal thing.
Its all kind of relative. Experienced bodybuilders know how to gain, maintain,
and grow (on or off) taking the ups and downs included while keeping an upward
trend. Hope that makes sense...
Off cycle I still do all bread and butter core movements (Squats, DL's, Shoulder press's, bench, pullups, etc) with the same intensity.
I work with lighter weight, adjust my food intake, and give more time for recovery. For example, 225 feels much heavier on bent-over rows than 405 during "on" time. Just keep on liftin and eatin man.
Is you diet in check for a cycle? What kind of shape you in? How you been long training?
205..what is the range on her scale ?
That s barely enough to maintain proper bone mass...on my doc s scale...
Not sure what scale she uses but 300+ she said was normal
300 is normal if your over 100 years old.
I think the best normal range for guys is somewhere around 600-700ng.
What measurement was used by your doctor? Maybe it is different.
I don't see why you would change anything? You should have been training hard already and rest and recovery is even more important while on cycle.