Training while on Gear!!!

Good thing also getting your bloodwork
done before your cycle. I agree with
everyone that a 205 T level is in the dirt.

With levels that low weight training just
becomes destructive to the body. Your not
going to build anything, just tear it down.

I 100% agree with you man.
I have T level of 174, I thought i was doing so many things wrong.. i would isolate, train 3days a week, once a week, no cardio.. i felt like the biggest noob.. and still do
Eat like im bulking.. Nothing works.
Soon as i did my first cycle (didnt even run test) my levels were 600 T while on cycle
I went up in weight, size, reps
Everything was great!
You would think doctors would pick up on T levels but they don't..
Its pretty horrible feeling when you cant help yourself when your trying too..
I think the big no-no is to train "too hard" while juiced up, as it can make one prone to injury. *

* in the sense that test adds more muscle mass, without strengthing tendons/ligaments, and BBers throw around heavy weights a lot.


Think more reps.
I don't see why you would change anything? You should have been training hard already and rest and recovery is even more important while on cycle.

Okay what about the deload weeks? do you still do that while on gear? and also how much progress should i make every week in terms of weights? i usually try to increase 10 lbs every 2 weeks, on all my lifts..would it be different?
Are we talking bb or power lifting here?
Myself I don't go by how much weight I lifted the previous week and so on, as I don't power lift I lift in a bb aspect, even when I blast yes my intensity goes up but I don't care if the guy next beside is curling 20lbs heavier then me and such as it comes down to what I look like in the mirror compared to the guy beside me swinging the weights around
Your diet has a big part in the gains u are gonna achieve and everything else follows from there and like others we have learned the hard way as well
What I do believe in is getting a good squeeze and gunning in the 10-12 rep range, coming out of the.gym with a great pump and dieting properly and getting proper rest is the key to growing
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