training with injured trap LEGS all week

hey guys so I cant train upper body due to injury so was going to spread out each leg muscle and do some hiit training was wondering what you guys think of this and if i would get the time off thank you.

day 1- quads abs followed with 10 -15 mins hitt cardio
day 2 - calves (lats) light on row machine
day 3 hamstring abs 10 15-min hiit
day 4 biceps
day 5 triceps abs hitt

Wondering if doing the hitt and all this wont give me enough rest recovery thx for checking it out guys and take care!!
i wouldn't split your legs into different mjusle groups with differnt das. just squat twice a week. do all the hiit that you want. doin this until you're haled up ain't gonna kill you.
so than something like this maybe?

mon-hiit arms maybe bieceps
thursday- squat
friday hiit triceps

kinda thing> and than just work every leg muscle in there?. thx for the input ill put into thought today I did squats and than just quads. kinda hard since squats u hit everything . but man I hit my Lactic threshold towards than end and could barely walk bend my knees without them almost giving in haha. this going to be a battle though did squats with the sissy pad in the rack and still feel it in the trap when I add the big weight.. It sucks.. injuries suck I should just stay outta the gym but that is one of the hardest things a guy can do. well at least for me anyways haha. thanks again for the input much appreciated
if it hurts your back to squat, then as much as i hate it, leg press. also look into hip squats. no need to do any other leg work, just squats. i say this because i take it you are not an elite level lifter. just strictly squatting twice a week will work wonders for you. calves are an exception though, feel free to isolate those as much as you want. i see it's your trap that is injured. you're able to isolate the biceps and triceps you posted, so can you do pullups? if you can do no other back exercises i would highly recommend doing bac extensions at the least. hold a dumbbell behind your neck, on the ascent no need to break 180 degres, or hyper extend your back. body parallel with the floor is your ending position. keep back straight. no need to go extremely heavy on these either. also does it hurt to do any type of horizontal rowing? i would think cable rows with a spade grip pulling to upper abdomen wouldn't aggravate the trap that much. but if any thing does, DON'T DO IT. what is wrong with your trap by the way?
o yeh i stick just to squats and leg extensions stuff like that when doing legs. but i was thinking of going into isolation since i was going to group each leg muscle different days I'm no rook so all good haha.. I Have been having problems with it over a year now. Posted on here earlier called injured trap anything help? If you want to read the full story dont want to get into it again cuz she is a long one haha. but basically hurt it at work. Has been on and off so now I've decided to try and work out where trap isnt being used at all fore a while. Just go hardcore on core and legs for a bit cuz it might be awhile. thx for the input. again post called Injured trap anything help and is the training for thx
but now just looking at something like this mon-sqat core tues-hit wed-arms-core thursday-hitt- firday-squat-core its not that it hurts during stuff like that its always after the burning pain. it is always hurting just more of a nuisance and not much ROM when i turn my head to the right due to pain. Like holy f sometimes even after doing sprints the night of man it is just killing me cuz muscles tense up during sprints right
the reason i say don't do isolation work is because i will get you no where. there is a time and a place for it, but not ain't it. whether your goal is to get stronger, bigger, or both, you need to squat. period. or do some other heavy compound leg movement is you can't squat. you just aren't doing enough work and can't lift enough weight doing leg extensions and leg curls. you know what your quads do? hold you up. extending your lower leg with weight attached to contract the musce, isn't doing anything. let's say you squat 315, and you probably can 100 pounds with one leg for one rep, maybe 2. what is using more work? the squat. your body needs that heavy resistance to stimulate growth. if you're not pushing yourself you won't grow. your body adapts to stimuli. if you can squat 315 for one rep and it takes everything you go, but you're routinely squatting 275 because it's easier, youwon't grow that way. it needs to bepushed to its limits to adapt to it. now i'm not saying give it 100% and lift 90% or more every session, i mean cycle it in a sense. the squat puts a load on your whole body, so your core is dealing with compressive force and sheering force (bottom of squat position), the hips and glutes are in play and har big movers here, your quads and hams are getting hit from all sides, and your calves are helping to stabilize. not to mention if you setup right and have the bar racked right, your delts will be screamin after a while. leg extensions and leg curls are justtaking up valuable time and energy that should be spent in the squat rack.
i'd warm up roughly the first 15 minutes. some box jumps, some light snatches if you can, or even one arm dumbbell snatches. couple mintes of kettle bell swings. next move on to the more static warmups, stretching out a bit, dynamic stretching, light RDLs, 1 set of hip thrusts for 8-10 reps with about 135 pounds, i'd start with bodyweight and move up to a bar, 95 then `135 if you've never done this exercises before. now i'd head to the squatrack. get in the bottomof th squat position and sit there a minute, stretch those hams gutes and hip up. now start with the bar, get a few reps in. now gradually up the weight while dropping the number of reps until you've hit your working weight. whether that be 80% for 5x5, 85% for triples, or 90%+ for singles. that was your warmup. you should be sweating by now. now the work begins. do your prescribed routine for squats, however feel it out. if you feel you got some more left i you and say you're doing 5x5, get as many reps as you can that last set. rack it, take a breather and doanother set to failure. if you feel like shit that day you may need to do 3 sets of 5, or drop the weight to 70%, work on bar speed. or after i get done with the triples i'm doing that day (whether i did 3 sets or 9) i'll drop down to 60%-70% and just start reppin it out. maybe one max set, maybe two submaximal sets, just to get tat extra volume on my heavy days. as i'm doing these and probably my last set or 2 of my working squats, i'll super set calve raises. just unrack the bar as if you're going to squat, feet shouder width or slightly wider/narrower (whatever's comfortable) just do calve raises. make sure you have on chuck taylors, wrestling shoes, lifting shoes or are barefoot. you shouldbe anyways when squatting. there is no need to get on a calve raise machine and allow your heel to dip below the toes, it is not necessary. calve raises on a flat floor are a great way to buid them, just don't let your heel come all the way down to the ground, this will prevent your heels taking the brunt of the weight which will take tension off the calves. the whole key to growth is time under tension. keep tension on those calves the whole set. and that's really all you need for leg days man. once your squat really starts getting up there you're gonna start developing some weak points, everyone does. something has to be the weakest link in the chain at any given time, we just want them all to be closely strong. at this point if your hams are weak then i'd suggest glute ham raises, not leg curls. if your quads need work, then hacksquats or hip squats. glutes, hip thrusts (do them as a warm up every day you lift, doesn't have to be heavy). sorry for the long post, just want to emphasize do not do any iso work right now
thx for input i totally understand. But reason why i was going to try this was due to injury but after trying it on monday it was stupid haha live and learn right. Thats all i do is powercleans,squats,hack squats, one leg dumb step ups and so on. The reason why i was going to do this was just simply because of the injury and how I cannot squat heavy because it starts to hurt my trap when im getting into 275 and up due to my injury and I wanted to just give the trap time off and not be using it at all. Im going to be off for sometime do to this injury so thought this would work out. Thus why I wanted a second opinion and everyone I have been talking to is saying the same. Thank you again for your time and input and good luck on your success.
thanks man, just do what feels right for you an what works, these are merely suggestions, but i'd train now other way. no need to. if you wanna get strong as hell do what strong people do. if you want to get big and strong, look what big and strong people do. simple as that.
o yeah i know it is but u dont see injured bastards in the gym that cant do any upper body workouts and strictly just work legs. so that is why im asking for an opinion cuz i could be 6 months out of the gym and that make me go crazy haha so like i said wanted an opinion on this im going to post you my story from another thread.
when i initially replied to your post i assumed you may be more in the beginning stages of lifting, assuming makes an ass out of u and me, mainly me. i still stand firm on saying no isolation work, splitting your legs into different groups and hitting them in iso exercises isn't going to do shit for strength or size, and won't help your squat at all. all those muscles need to work together to do what they were built to do. just like you'd see better progress benching heavy once a week rather than hitting triceps, chest and shoulders seperately with extensions, flies and raises respectively. so with that being said, if it hurts to throw a 315 pound bar on your back but doesn't to do so with 225, then i would take this time to do a back squat cycle. squat three times a week, you're accomplishing multiple things when doing this. giving the injured muscle a break and shifting focus to something else you may not have focused on before. practicing the movement. have a light day, medium day and a heavy day, with the heavy day of course being as heavy as you can go without hurting yourself, not hurting yourself to go heavy. this is going to get those muscles really used to working together to accomplish this task, prime your central nervouse system for lifting heavier weights, and burning the motion into your muscle memory. practice makes perfect, and strength is a skill. so for your light day you could do 60% of your 1rm. (note: when i say your 1rm, let's take 90% of your true 1rm and call that your 1rm, as to not agitate your trap. so we're talking 60% of 90% of your 1rm on light days. for example if your true 1rm is 315, then 90% of that is 283.5, so let's round down to 280. 60% of that is 168, which is actually only 52% of your true 1rm. but we want to work in common percentages here like 60, 80, 85, 90, so that's why we do this. also your true 1rm is when form really breaks down, so when you hit your *new* 1rm, you're still keeping proper form). so do 60% for 10 sets of 3. do body weight glute ham raises and body weight calve raises. hit any upper body exercises you feel like on this day to maintain your other lifts. medium day is 80% for 5 sets of 3, romanian deadlifts, 1 upper body lift. heavy day is 90% for three doubles with weighted standing barbell calve raises, body weight glute ham raises or weighted for less reps if you can, and your upper body exercise. also something i just thought of is can you do front squats without hurting your trap? with a clean hold racked position, not arms crossed. if so can you hit your 1rm for front squats without irritating your trap? i say this because at one point my back squat was weak and form sucked. so i made the decision to do strictly front squats, for a long time. i did them for 3 months or so, maybe longer. not one back squat. it is MUCH easier to keep proper form with no one watching you when doing front squats, you also will naturally go deeper. it will also take SOME compressive force off your back, but your back still has to stabilize, it puts a greater emphasis on your abdominal muscles and obliques. one day after about 3 months front squats and no back squats, and very minimal leg press (did them from time to time for fun), i hit a pretty good new personal record for a 1rm. at this point i thought, what the hell let's throw this on my back and give it a whirl. i missed back squats. (btw this new 1rm for front squats was more than i had ever back squatted, but don't get me wrong front squats are gonna be way weaker than back squats when starting out). i repped this weight out on highb ar back squats after using ito to set a new 1rm for front squats after my legs were smoked already. that's how much strictly front squatting correctly improved my back squat after 3 months. coincidentally this is probably about how long it will take your trap to heal if rested properly. i've made the switch back to back squat and have never been stronger. my mobility is improved, i'm squatting ass to calves what i never could have dreamed of lifting to just parallel. my form is almost impeccable, and because my back squat is shooting up so much it is affecting my deadlift, which is shooting up right along side with it. so if you can front squat heavy as hell without hurting your trap, then i sugest that. front squat heavy once a week, other days when working on upper body which ever way you can, throw in your assistance lifts for the front squat. do your gluteham raises or rdls, hip thrusts, box jumps, sled pulls, etc. good luck.
alright, and no problem guess i never explained the whole story so all good haha thx alot. yeh i have been doing the front squat too at light light 35 on each side to get form down and perfect. and with 45 on each side starts to hurt. witch will help me later with power cleans when im healed if i can. i just know that once u are healed off an injury like this in my books it says that its prone to injury for 6 months so can come back. reason is im taking courses to be a trainer and i mean its kinda hard to train people when i cant train my self on all the stuff that i am learning haha. but yeh only did tried that split workout a day and no dice haha next day quads so bad couldnt even walk without almost giving out hahah. currently just squating 2 times a week with arms on wed. but doing alot of core. just sucks cuz its seriously been over a year now of physio, chiros, massage, now finally getting a mri just to tell me the same thing. physio massage w.e. i wish the doc could put me on some hgh haha . or what would something light do like a shot of 100 mg of test a week with 30-40 mg anavar or winnie daily do? just a question getting depressed from this injury so u can see why this thought has come to mind. again thx for all the responses and keeping track have a good one
if you ran a cycle i wouldn't use any orals. just test. definitely stay away from winnie, won't help at all, will just hurt you.
alright right i just ask this because i know of a lady friend that is a champ at body building won all over Canada and so on. she is huge im mirin her gains hahaha but anyways she trains people to compete for show.has given men just anavar cycles only or just winnie. is trying to tell me just to run winnie below 50 and i would be fine and that it will help me with my injury. but ive researched and know what it does and how joints ache blah blah f that. she just says ill get more for my buck.I know that anvar is the better solution and will help me with my injury. it was first used earlier for athletes to recovery from injuries and has evolved over the years and was most popular because of the low side effects. i know it will shut my test down over time but and that is why would runn a shot of 100 mg test a week. im just curious would i gain as in heal faster from this. I have lost my earliar job and changed career paths because of this injury been out a year bit longer from this injury caused stress depression so on haha basically has runined my life. so u can see why something like this would come up haha. I would not want to run a high dose of test all that simply cuz all i will be working like my legs haha and low intensity cardio. My shoulder trap so fd as it seems i cant even do high intensity interval training without it throbbing.I also no that once i get my mri the doc is going to state what i have been doing the past year, PHYISO, CHIRO all that bs. I know Hgh is better for something like an injury as to mine but that will cost alot of money and since job has changed not making as much. THX again for helping me with my noob status and reading me, poor my heart out haha nice to see someone out there that wants to help!
alright right i just ask this because i know of a lady friend that is a champ at body building won all over Canada and so on. she is huge im mirin her gains hahaha but anyways she trains people to compete for show.has given men just anavar cycles only or just winnie. is trying to tell me just to run winnie below 50 and i would be fine and that it will help me with my injury. but ive researched and know what it does and how joints ache blah blah f that. she just says ill get more for my buck.I know that anvar is the better solution and will help me with my injury. it was first used earlier for athletes to recovery from injuries and has evolved over the years and was most popular because of the low side effects. i know it will shut my test down over time but and that is why would runn a shot of 100 mg test a week. im just curious would i gain as in heal faster from this. I have lost my earliar job and changed career paths because of this injury been out a year bit longer from this injury caused stress depression so on haha basically has runined my life. so u can see why something like this would come up haha. I would not want to run a high dose of test all that simply cuz all i will be working like my legs haha and low intensity cardio. My shoulder trap so fd as it seems i cant even do high intensity interval training without it throbbing.I also no that once i get my mri the doc is going to state what i have been doing the past year, PHYISO, CHIRO all that bs. I know Hgh is better for something like an injury as to mine but that will cost alot of money and since job has changed not making as much. THX again for helping me with my noob status and reading me, poor my heart out haha nice to see someone out there that wants to help!

good athletes don't always make good coaches. judging by what she's told you, she doesn't know jack shit about AAS. anavar only may be good for her because she's a woman, and she's using it to harden up before a show and to help with body composition. Winstrol (winny) will do nothing for your recovery, just fuck with your joints and shit as you stated earlier. yes anavar will help with the recovery, but i would not run it alone. 100mg of test per week is a little too low. if you are running it solely to keep your test levels up while taking anavar, and you're taking anavar for recovery purposes, then 200-250mg is a better dose. that's more of a normal testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose, anywhere from 150mg a week to 250mg. 100 is just too low, you can still get the bad sides, it's not enough to help with gains or recovery as it will shut down your test like any other dosage but isn't enough to replace what you're losing. I'd go with a long esther such as test e or test cyp and do one injection a week of 250mg. 10 to 12 weeks should be fine. will take about 5 weeks to really kick into gear and that's when i would start the anavar anywhere from 75mg a day to 100mg a day.
so 5 weeks of just test at 250? one shot. than at the 5th week start doing the anvar for the remaining cycle with the test. what kinda pst would you run? and how would this effect with my injury would i notice the test injection much at 250? thx for help
the test is just a replacement really for what you may lose by your test profuction being shut down from the anavar. won't really help with an injury that much. you can run either clomid or nolva, i prefer clomid. clomid at 100/50/50/50 or nolva at 40/40/20/20
so basically this cycle wouldnt really help with anything haha. yeh there is alot of scar tissue build up on my trap and that area so i dont think anything really helps with that its an old injury and from what i researched was AAS help with new injuries and recovery. thx for all the help maybe ill just wait till im healed and dip into a cycle to recover my losses haha thx for all the happy hope u have a merry christmas and a happy new year!