Traveling internationally while on cycle


New member
I'm flying to Spain and I'll be away for 10 days. On 750/wk of testE. My question is do I inject the full 750 the day I leave or my normal injection of 325?
Also, I currently take aromasin 6.25ED. Should I continue with that for 5 days into the trip and then drop to nothing since my test levels will start to drop mid-way. I'll be with my girl so need libido to be high.
I usually do 2x pins per week. I've left for a week on a couple of occasions, and I go 1.5x on the shot when I leave and 1.5x when I return.

You should stay on the AI if you feel you can travel with it.
This is going to depend on what you finally decide will work best for you.

I'd do what you said, and take 2x the dose and start back weekly when you return. Or, you could do what Bob suggested also.

I personally wouldn't double the dose of the AI, and just begin again as usual upon my return.

So far I got 3 different answers:
1) take 325
2) take 500
3) take 750

Can anyone else shed some more light or share their travel experience?
I personally have doubled my dose for out of town trips, just to save myself what I PERSONALLY CONSIDER to be an inconvenience of carrying shit around. But I wasn't taking 750 a week.

That being said, do WHATEVER YOU feel like doing. It would probably just be best to take your normal dose of 375 (I think you mistyped 325, because that would be 650 PW).
OP - are you on dr prescribed TRT? Assume no but wanted to clarify.

I travel internationally with pins and 10ml of cyp. No one has ever said a word to me.
I am not on TRT so don't want to bring gear.

Tryingtogetstrong, I like the idea of doing 750 the day I leave because that will ensure I don't go too low. If I take my usual 375 dose, my levels will drop the 2nd half of trip.

Can anyone else share their travel experiences and how much they injected the day they left?
Listen, really what is the problem. I mean your test level is much higher then your natty level. Look at the half life of "E" how low do you think your Test level is going to drop to ??? Ya know just common sense 10 days no injection might drop your level but for God's sake do you think this minor drop and for so short an interval is going to have ANY NEGATIVE effects on your whole cycle.

Really all you guys that think this short of a break is going to have any negative effect you must off your rocker. Shit do you kow how many times in all my years of doing this I have unfortunately run OUT of gear mid cycle ? Huh, really it had no negative effect.

Sure on paper we might see this but , crap guys sometimes we can let the perfection and paper numbers aside and just carry on cycle. You are making a problem in your head about this. If anyone wants to dispute what I have said , then well I'll ask how many times have you done this to truthfully know how a 10-12 day dry spell effects a cycle.

Any unwanted effect , mostly in your head, but even other will disappear immediately or in a few days when you resume your protocol. Since the exogenous Test in working in you , you will not have a delay when you resume.

Me I like the idea of x 2 the dose on last day before you leave. Hell you might then spike UP and in the short time just work right back into where you were. Remember what is on Paper ( lab numbers ) don't always immediately translate out to how we feel, etc... physically. As I have said in general on many things. Our bodies are not digital. We don't work that fast as what you are getting at.

My 2 cents of experience
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Put the testosterone in any small oil bottle for body massage (sterelize it) and bring with you, as for aromasin is tablet you can bring don't worry, or just buy sterelized dropper in pharmacy and put test inside, when you ll enter in Spain there is chance they open your luggage, they will not look the liquid inside your cosmetics don't worry
Really think about what I said. Just inject before you leave.

So back in my day one (1) injection a week worked for all of us. AND so you will be gone 3 or 4 more days...

Get real guys WTF ? Ridiculous all this talk and do this and do that. Again for me I just would not chance the authorities and BE SAFE...leave it home and follow my lead.

OH someone tell just what is going to happen to his cycle if he misses 10 or even 11 days... HIs test levels will still be high as a kite.

Enough said. :Pat:
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