Listen, really what is the problem. I mean your test level is much higher then your natty level. Look at the half life of "E" how low do you think your Test level is going to drop to ??? Ya know just common sense 10 days no injection might drop your level but for God's sake do you think this minor drop and for so short an interval is going to have ANY NEGATIVE effects on your whole cycle.
Really all you guys that think this short of a break is going to have any negative effect you must off your rocker. Shit do you kow how many times in all my years of doing this I have unfortunately run OUT of gear mid cycle ? Huh, really it had no negative effect.
Sure on paper we might see this but , crap guys sometimes we can let the perfection and paper numbers aside and just carry on cycle. You are making a problem in your head about this. If anyone wants to dispute what I have said , then well I'll ask how many times have you done this to truthfully know how a 10-12 day dry spell effects a cycle.
Any unwanted effect , mostly in your head, but even other will disappear immediately or in a few days when you resume your protocol. Since the exogenous Test in working in you , you will not have a delay when you resume.
Me I like the idea of x 2 the dose on last day before you leave. Hell you might then spike UP and in the short time just work right back into where you were. Remember what is on Paper ( lab numbers ) don't always immediately translate out to how we feel, etc... physically. As I have said in general on many things. Our bodies are not digital. We don't work that fast as what you are getting at.
My 2 cents of experience