Traveling, will I still be able to maintain stable blood levels?


New member
I'm about three weeks deep into my Sustanon/TrenAce/DROL cycle and my brother who lives on the opposite side of the country, wants me to go visit him from the 19th-30th.

I was wondering what would happen? I know the tren ace will be out by then along with the anadrol but I care mostly about the testosterone. Do I have anything to worry about? Will my I lose gains, will my hormones be unbalanced, am I going to experience depression? I pin EOD, so this would be 11 days with no pinning. I really would like to visit the fam, I'm just worried about the compounds flushing out the system by then, im planning on pinning the day of my flight of course. You guys think I'll be alright? I'm still going to hit up the gym over there and as far as diet and training, nothing won't change. Just don't want to experience any negativity.
relax 3 days is nothing pin it before you leave

19th thru 30th is 12 days. Double up on Some test e if u have some. Once you get back double shoot some sust for a week then revert back to eod on schedule. Take your AI with you disguised in a rx bottle with your name on it
Not trying to hijack this thread but I am going to Mexico on vacation December 16-22 (6 nights) should I:
A: wait until I return to start cycle although I will still be on cycle by spring break and will harm my liver by drinking
B. Double up my dose of test e and tren e before I leave
C. Risk sneaking it into mexico in eye dropper bottle or something similiar. I would only carry what I needed and pick up syringes at a pharmacy in cancun.

Any advice is appreciated
Not trying to hijack this thread but I am going to Mexico on vacation December 16-22 (6 nights) should I:
A: wait until I return to start cycle although I will still be on cycle by spring break and will harm my liver by drinking
B. Double up my dose of test e and tren e before I leave
C. Risk sneaking it into mexico in eye dropper bottle or something similiar. I would only carry what I needed and pick up syringes at a pharmacy in cancun.

Any advice is appreciated

best you start your own thread
19th thru 30th is 12 days. Double up on Some test e if u have some. Once you get back double shoot some sust for a week then revert back to eod on schedule. Take your AI with you disguised in a rx bottle with your name on it

right i was wrong 12 days take some test e
19th thru 30th is 12 days. Double up on Some test e if u have some. Once you get back double shoot some sust for a week then revert back to eod on schedule. Take your AI with you disguised in a rx bottle with your name on it

I think he meant three days as in pinning days.. I'll be sure to get Test E by this week, & I'll follow your protocol my brotha.
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I just traveled, and packed syringes in my checked back. I had no issues. My bag was inspected both times, as I had the little TSA flyer in it, probably because I had syringes. I've been told you can even carry them on in their original sealed packaging. I did have a prescription for the test, so that wasn't an issue, however, pack it where it's not right out in the open, and you'd probably be fine.
Having a script for TRT protects you over and over in these type of situations. I always bring my test-cyp bottle that has the script info on it, and you can put anything you want in that bottle! Good for 1-2 injections for sure. You can bring in your carry on bag this way too! with Syringes....
I just traveled, and packed syringes in my checked back. I had no issues. My bag was inspected both times, as I had the little TSA flyer in it, probably because I had syringes. I've been told you can even carry them on in their original sealed packaging. I did have a prescription for the test, so that wasn't an issue, however, pack it where it's not right out in the open, and you'd probably be fine.

Wait you're saying I'll be able to take my vials along with my oral in my checked bags? With no issue? Or is it way too risky?