Traveling with Tren in a TRT Script Bottle?


New member
I am traveling for 5 days unexpectedly during the middle of a Tren Ace & Test (TRT dose) cycle. I have an empty opaque Test bottle that I could load two Tren Ace doses (EOD) into and keep going as normal. Is this a terrible idea?
I've done similar before. I've taken T prop and loaded it into some old TRT T cyp vials so I could take them with me. I only took enough for the trip plus a day, and just threw it away before coming back into the U.S.. In my experience, not many people outside the U.S. give it much scrutiny. But if you're in your own transportation and you get busted with anything considered contraband they seize the vehicle. Not gonna risk that.
Thanks for the response; quite helpful. I should have mentioned I'm traveling international. I have done this domestic, but Never international. That's helpful
i dont think this should to be discussed on here bro but use your head. nobody is gonna notice a few milliliters of oil in your bag do you have any idea the amount of beauty products girls travel with? and with all the bullshit happening in the world today do you really think a TSA agent gives a fuck about one juicehead traveling with a very small amount of his PERSONAL stash? the only thing they are looking for at airports is large quantities of drugs and weapons/bombs.

for the record, i am not convincing you or encouraging any of this. this is simply my outlook on the situation
you have me curious. Is your plan to take 2 vials? Once with test and one with tren? of course the tren will be in a vial labeled. or do you plan to co-locate the tren and test in the same vial?

I would think having two test vials would raise some eyebrows.
Ok so here are the 2 best solutions use to date. I heard the all.

1) ship your meds over night to your destination safest.

2) pack your meds in you luggage and check it.
Thanks for the response; quite helpful. I should have mentioned I'm traveling international. I have done this domestic, but Never international. That's helpful

i think it depends on the country you're going to. in some countries AAS aren't even illegal, while others any drug will fuck you. i recently had to go to australia on short notice, and even though i have a script for my test, they require you to apply for a waiver to bring in a banned substance that takes three weeks. searching the net before my flight, the consensus was aus has pretty tough customs. i just stuck it my toiletry bag in my checked luggage, along with a copy of my script, hoping that if i did get caught, they would just confiscate it. i did have to sweat a little because i got detained in LA because of more than 10k in currency, and they asked me five fucking times how many bags i checked, so i figured my bag was going to be searched for sure when i arrived.

when i did arrive, i just filled out their version of a fincen, and waltzed right through customs. they were more worried about food being brought in than anything else.