Tren 200 Questions and Advice needed

Tren 200 = tren ace 75 mg, tren enan 75, tren hex 50mg. I am going to incorporate it with test enan (300-400wk). I will have dostinex (0.5mg M/F) and aromasin (12.5mg eod/e3d?). My question is with a 10cc bottle and a dosing schedule, should I run it higher for a shorter period of time, or should I try to stretch out the effects over a longer period of time with a lower dose? ie 300mgs wk for 6wks or 200mgs wk for 10 weeks. I am going to blend it with test enan 200mgs, so I can customize the injections. I was thinking every 5 days, but if you take out (forget about) the acetate a weekly dose sounds fine. Any input would be appreciated.
Well aromasin should be taken daily. Your tren blend should be pinned m-w-f atleast. Since you only have one jug, it's not really worth doing. You should be pinning test e twice a week also...