Tren 50mg eod plust 500mg test C Enough?


New member
I am starting a 12-16 week blast of Test C 500mg and 50mg Tren eod. I have never done tren. My question is will I see any results doing only 50g of trend eod or shoud I up the does?
Why not? My guy who is pretty respeceted out there says this can be run for 16 weeks.

your dose is low so its possible to run it that long but dont expect much if anything from 175 mg of tren a week . imo you would be better off running the tren 100 mg eod for 8 weeks and run the test a few weeks longer .

whats your cycle history
training history
your dose is low so its possible to run it that long but dont expect much if anything from 175 mg of tren a week . imo you would be better off running the tren 100 mg eod for 8 weeks and run the test a few weeks longer .

whats your cycle history
training history

Cycle - Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) 2 years cruise at 200mg test C - HCg 2x a week, Arimidex 2x per week. 1st blast last spring test cyp 500mg per week upped Armdx broke wrist dirt biiking in the summer had to stop training until two weeks ago. Went back down to cruise dose during no training period and added var to help with muscle wasting and HGH to assist with wrist healing.

2nd blast started 10 days ago ago 500mg test cyp per week, Tren A 50mg eod, HGH 2 iu a day Aromisin eod, 2 IU Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) twice a week. The idea was to stay on this up to 16 weeks get to how I want to look, then go back to cruise and keep the HGH mabey for life.

After reading some of these posts I did 75mg Tren A today and am thinking of upping HGH to 3-4 IU a day until I go back to cruise.

Training - Following routines from respected people on this forum as with diet for over a year.

Age 50

Height 5'11

Weight 181

I have made progess over the last year. For what I am after about 6-7 pounds of muscle and 5 -7 pounds of lost fat would put me to about where I want to be. Then I would feel that I was taking less risks with these higher doses versus my typical cruise amounts.

Thanks for the input.
Cycle - Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) 2 years cruise at 200mg test C - HCg 2x a week, Arimidex 2x per week. 1st blast last spring test cyp 500mg per week upped Armdx broke wrist dirt biiking in the summer had to stop training until two weeks ago. Went back down to cruise dose during no training period and added var to help with muscle wasting and HGH to assist with wrist healing.

2nd blast started 10 days ago ago 500mg test cyp per week, Tren A 50mg eod, HGH 2 iu a day Aromisin eod, 2 IU Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) twice a week. The idea was to stay on this up to 16 weeks get to how I want to look, then go back to cruise and keep the HGH mabey for life.

After reading some of these posts I did 75mg Tren A today and am thinking of upping HGH to 3-4 IU a day until I go back to cruise.

Training - Following routines from respected people on this forum as with diet for over a year.

Age 50

Height 5'11

Weight 181

I have made progess over the last year. For what I am after about 6-7 pounds of muscle and 5 -7 pounds of lost fat would put me to about where I want to be. Then I would feel that I was taking less risks with these higher doses versus my typical cruise amounts.

Thanks for the input.

at our age and i do mean OUR age mild cycles are for the best . 50 mg a day is the least i would run tren BUT you could drop the test back down to 200 mg a week and thats just 550 mg a week for the blast and thats mild enough.
i know var has a rep for being mild but at 50 its time to think about giving up orals.
at our age and i do mean OUR age mild cycles are for the best . 50 mg a day is the least i would run tren BUT you could drop the test back down to 200 mg a week and thats just 550 mg a week for the blast and thats mild enough.
i know var has a rep for being mild but at 50 its time to think about giving up orals.

Rock solid advice as always!

Beyoung, I'm right at your age also brother and we have no business running tren! GH + test will work wonders on their own for you. Maybe look into some HG primo if you want.

You are currently running the king of HGH! 3-4 iu of saizen will produce substantial results along with test for a guy that is 50. Don't play with fire at 50, odds of getting burned go way up!
Thanks for the advise on this guys. Mabey I will give up the tren and cut down the lenght on this and get back to cruising fast.
Thanks for the advise on this guys. Mabey I will give up the tren and cut down the lenght on this and get back to cruising fast.

There are definitely options available to you bro! If your cholesterol is in good shape, hemocrit and general heart health, you are GTG for some good cycles just be wise about picking what you run and for how long. At our age none of us are trying for the next Mr universe title :) but we can still be big, powerful and look good!
Absolutely that is enough.. I personally would run 100 eod and drop test down to 350-400 range . Just my op
Absolutely that is enough.. I personally would run 100 eod and drop test down to 350-400 range . Just my op

Would there be that much of a better result? I am catching shit about my age and am glad to have the feedback. Like allot of guys I have a hard time accepting I am 50 now as far as the old body goes!
Well yeah 50 eod vs 100 eod could make all the diff. . Tren is not to good to be taking in "our" age bracket butttt if you are gonna do it .... It is just hard to say you could do 50 eod and be a sleepless monster, or you could do 50 and really not notice it... Just all depends on how you react to it i suppose?