Tren A pinning schedule . Want your guys opinion


New member
Hey guys , so im going to run a tren a cycle . IM trying to get 500mg every week . I know alot of you guys pin EOD with Tren A . How would u guys suggest i pin and schedule this to be getting roughly 500mg per week pinning EOD . i have 3 vials at 100mg per ml . 10ml vials . im hoping itll last me 6 weeks for now with that . im running alongside 500mg test e per week .
You know what , i think i got it . I think im gonna just pin 140mg eod . In the past ive done it weird and just pinned mon wed fri then weekend off and started again mon . But pinning eod would keep bloods more stable
Simple just start on any day of the week and just go EOD. Don't worry about what day it is. Your body just takes it as EOD and that is very stable. Jut like ED you don't take weekends off you pin ED. SO EOD..........

Ya know all this Mon and Thurs and what if I miss. BS if you miss you just pin the next day or that night or in the middle of the night WTF you body doesn't know what day it is or what time it is. Then pick up after your last injection EOD .
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Tee hee, I'm a M-W-F guy. But I also never felt a difference between that and EOD or ED. But then again, I'm a cheap bastard and go long esters with everything. :wiggle: