Tren Ace and Sustanon Cycle!


New member
Ok, I am 25 years old. I have 3 prior cycles within the last 2 years. First cycle was just test, same with second cycle and third was Test with Winstrol.

My current stats are 185lbs 15% Bf at 5'7" I will am aiming to cut but am sure I can gain muscle at the same time on this stack since I will only be at a 300 calorie deficit.

I am running..
100mg Tren EOD weeks 1-8
300mg Sustanon EOD weeks 1-12
Arimadex .5ML EOD weeks 1-12
Proviron 25mg EOD Weeks 1-12
HCG 500mg 2X/week weeks 8-12
Cabar on hand

I am eating 3700 calories (300 below maintenance)
50% carbs (463g)
25% Protein (231g)
25% fats (103g)

My goal is to cut 5% body fat while hopefully adding a couple pounds of muscle.

I ran blood work 1 week into cycle and my creatine ratio was high 23 vrs 8-19 range, Alkaline Phosphate was high at 42 vrs 0-40, LH was high at 21.2 vrs 1.7-8.6 and lastly FSH was high at 16.3 vrs 1.5-12.4 desired ratio. I am not sure what these mean so any insight would be helpful. I know some of this has to do with liver so I added Milk thistle, omega 3's and SAM-e plus drinking over a galon of water a day.

I am currently on day 9 I believe. Hopefully I have provided sufficient information to get accurate feedback.

Appreciate all the input. TY
Unless your LH and FSH are zero while on cycle, which indicate that your HPTA is shut down, it means that your gear is fake. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. That or lab error.
Unless your LH and FSH are zero while on cycle, which indicate that your HPTA is shut down, it means that your gear is fake. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. That or lab error.

Those were your LH and FSH reading 1 week into cycle? Why would you get blood work done 1 week into your cycle as opposed to before or half way through? Seems like an odd time to get blood work done.
It was an odd time to do it. I wanted to jump right into the cycle once I got it. I didnt have time to do it before I got the gear so I figured I could do it 1 week in and it would let me know bassically what I was at pre cycle. If something was totally funky then I would decide what to do then.
Being that I was 1 week on cycle the gear wouldnt have had time to kick in yet right? So this reading wouldnt let me know if it was bunk or not.
Milk thistle is a waste of money. Get nac for liver support. Hcg should be ran from beginning of cycle up to pct @ 250 iu's twice per week.
Ok, I have increased my calories and am going for a pound a week. I've put on 4 lbs and am staying lean. Ran bloods 2.5 weeks in and my test serum was at 1411. I have been on cycle now 3 weeks. Week 1-2 I was taking 325mg sust/week and 300mg tren/week. The tren is bunk but my bloods are showing the test is real. Week 3 I kept pinning the tren just in case and increased the dose to 1 gram of sust per week. This is my 4th cycle with test and my body does extremely well with the stuff. Would you say the test is underdosed? This is the first cycle I have ran bloods on so I'm not sure. I read a thread that said on any real cycle you should be around 1500. Another question is roughly how many MG/week (if properly dosed) should get you above 1500?

Thanks in advance.
Ok, I am 25 years old. I have 3 prior cycles within the last 2 years. First cycle was just test, same with second cycle and third was Test with Winstrol.

My current stats are 185lbs 15% Bf at 5'7" I will am aiming to cut but am sure I can gain muscle at the same time on this stack since I will only be at a 300 calorie deficit.

I am running..
100mg Tren EOD weeks 1-8
300mg Sustanon EOD weeks 1-12
Arimadex .5ML EOD weeks 1-12
Proviron 25mg EOD Weeks 1-12
HCG 500mg 2X/week weeks 8-12
Cabar on hand

I am eating 3700 calories (300 below maintenance)
50% carbs (463g)
25% Protein (231g)
25% fats (103g)

My goal is to cut 5% body fat while hopefully adding a couple pounds of muscle.

I ran blood work 1 week into cycle and my creatine ratio was high 23 vrs 8-19 range, Alkaline Phosphate was high at 42 vrs 0-40, LH was high at 21.2 vrs 1.7-8.6 and lastly FSH was high at 16.3 vrs 1.5-12.4 desired ratio. I am not sure what these mean so any insight would be helpful. I know some of this has to do with liver so I added Milk thistle, omega 3's and SAM-e plus drinking over a galon of water a day.

I am currently on day 9 I believe. Hopefully I have provided sufficient information to get accurate feedback.

Appreciate all the input. TY

I realise no one pointed it out but I assume you meant 0.5mg of adex per week not mL......

Also, at your small weight how the fuck is 4k calories your maintenance....? Your maintenance would be around 2.2k at that weight and height!
Correct. That was a error in typing.

Simple. I track my calories every day and have correct macros. When I eat less then 4k calories my weight starts to go down. When I eat 4k my weights stays when I eat above I increase. Weight and height are not an indicator of how fast my metabolism is or how many calories I burn on a daily basis.

What I could use is input on my blood test in relation to the amount of test I am taking. I feel it is underdosed but am not sure since this is the first time I have ran blood work. I have explained how much test I am taking and what my blood results were and would like to know if my products is good, ok or underdosed.

That would be awesome.
100mg of test Cyp every 3.5 days puts my trough TT around 1000ng/dl.

Read the link in my signature. At the bottom of the Sticky it provides a study showing expected TT levels for given dosages that you can reference for a ballpark idea.
Thanks Megatron. So, it looks like it is very underdosed. That is unfortunate. Ha

The products that I got weren't opened and the caps weye still on them. The product I had was sciroxx tren and syntec( or something like that) sus.

Looks like a need a new source. Thank you
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