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On 500mg of test split twice a week. what is the proper dose of tren?
Running the test lower at say 300 and the tren higher at 420ish is what im on, and i have minimal sides. almost everyone i personally know that runs the test higher has experienced way more sides that me. hopefully gives you something to consider
This might be tru. And ur not the first one who are saying it. Maybe i have to try it out some day. Im no fan of tren because of the sides. Now thinking about insomnia,high blood presure and complictaed gyno....
hmmm what is the loweast dosage u could run test at while running tren ace ace 75mcg ed . the test would be just for normal bodyily functions ??
I would run Prop75-100mg EOD and Tren 50mg ED to how would i run test prop/tren ace do use rekon . mainly wanting the trens ability of hardening/vasculaity/dropping bf and the prop just for libido . another problem everyone here in aus says MLS not MG it confuses the PHUCK out of me
I would run Prop75-100mg EOD and Tren 50mg ED to start.
I would do the exact opposite lol would you run it?
Man I sure like seeing these reasonable doses lately. I am running my test base at 200mgs right now and love it!!