tren ace for girls?


New member
my gf is into fitness and what not shes done 2 test cycles before with good gains but only downside for her is the pimples she gets in her back after shes done..
her previous cycle dosing was 35mg a week for 12 weeks of test-e

since i am starting tren she is interested in it aswell, shes trying to go for lean gains, was wondering what kind of dosing and if tren is even good for chicks or does it give them crazy side effects?
Only give Tren to your girl friend if you want her to become your Boy friend!!! Tren is a bad, bad, bad Idea for Women!
my gf is into fitness and what not shes done 2 test cycles before with good gains but only downside for her is the pimples she gets in her back after shes done..
her previous cycle dosing was 35mg a week for 12 weeks of test-e

since i am starting tren she is interested in it aswell, shes trying to go for lean gains, was wondering what kind of dosing and if tren is even good for chicks or does it give them crazy side effects?
What's her bodyfat? Some chicks can do well on steroids but others will gain fat from conversion of androgens/test into estrogen.

You can argue with me on this one or anyone else, all you have to do is google this fact.

My advice would be to take an anti-estrogen along with a cycle. Women's bodies do not work the same as men's do, but everyone who gives advice to women on AAS seems to think so.
What's her bodyfat? Some chicks can do well on steroids but others will gain fat from conversion of androgens/test into estrogen.

You can argue with me on this one or anyone else, all you have to do is google this fact.

My advice would be to take an anti-estrogen along with a cycle. Women's bodies do not work the same as men's do, but everyone who gives advice to women on AAS seems to think so.

tren doesnt aromatise tho
Lol women dont need an Anti-E...that would do more damage to her than anything.

I wouldnt suggest Tren for women, and especially not Test.

Tell her to stick w/ Anavar, Winstrol (winny), and EQ...IF SHE MUST.
Tren is the single most androgenic commercially available AAS.

There is no reason a woman should ever use Tren - period.

I don't care if she is competing in bodybuilding or not. Tren in a woman is a very bad idea.

Once a woman induces masculinenizing effects there is nothing that can reverse those effects.
Tren is the single most androgenic commercially available AAS.

There is no reason a woman should ever use Tren - period.

I don't care if she is competing in bodybuilding or not. Tren in a woman is a very bad idea.

Once a woman induces masculinenizing effects there is nothing that can reverse those effects.

I am 100% with cashout on this....and masculinizing effects?? FUKIN SICK! I want a woman with curves not squares