Tren Ace + T500 Cycle Assistance


New member
Hey what's up guys,

Was looking for some more personal advice on how to dose my next cycle. A lot of people have different opinions on how to run this cycle so I'd appreciate any feedback. I've done a lot of research on this cycle but like I said there's a lot of different opinions out there.

Test Ace - 100mg/ml
Test 500 - 500mg/ml

I have anastrozole on hand and nolva. I do not have the option of getting caber (So please leave out the I should get it)
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You have ran a few cycles I assume. You need to out line your cycle better for us. You are just throwing a lot of numbers at us. What are you using each week, and just off the cuff, this is way more complicated than it needs to be.
You have ran a few cycles I assume. You need to out line your cycle better for us. You are just throwing a lot of numbers at us. What are you using each week, and just off the cuff, this is way more complicated than it needs to be.

What I'm trying to explain is im trying to figure out when and how much to pin. because everyone has there own opinion on running one or the other higher etc. Also how I should run my ai/pct. And yes I have ran a few cycles. Just never tren
It's not advised for people to post up what's in their stash and have someone else figure out what to do with it. Honestly, that's just being lazy. Figure out your goals and go from there. Post up an outline of what you would do and we'll take a look at it for ya...
With a few cycles under your belt, you should know what to do with your ai and pct by now. Can you post your previous cycles in detail and your stats?
all those compounds are gonna compete aggressively for the AR's...lower the dose.. run the tren ace higher..maybe add some mast and drop the deca..

no need for all that test, tren will compete far greater, it might end up causing more estro/prolactin issue instead..
It's not advised for people to post up what's in their stash and have someone else figure out what to do with it. Honestly, that's just being lazy. Figure out your goals and go from there. Post up an outline of what you would do and we'll take a look at it for ya...

Yeah your probably right. But I was looking to run tren 75mg eod and test 100mg eod. There's so many different opinions I'm having trouble planning out a solid cycle. The only reason I've been saying the bare minimum. So apologies for that.
With a few cycles under your belt, you should know what to do with your ai and pct by now. Can you post your previous cycles in detail and your stats?

Yes your right but as for the pct. I don't know how to run it as people say you can't run nolva with tren etc so I wanted to make sure I was good. I see where your coming from.
That's an old bullshit myth about nolva and tren. Different people prefer different compounds and doses. There's a base line correct way of doing them but as long as that's in place, it's pretty much preference. What works for one guy may not work for you. You would be better laying out a cycle with pct and we will critique it.
That's an old bullshit myth about nolva and tren. Different people prefer different compounds and doses. There's a base line correct way of doing them but as long as that's in place, it's pretty much preference. What works for one guy may not work for you. You would be better laying out a cycle with pct and we will critique it.

Was going to run

Tren wk 1-8 75 eod
Test wk 1-10 100 eod
Anast .25 ed (was told to take this during cycle)

Nolva 40/40/20/20
If you were told to use an ai during cycle and you don't know why, you aren't ready for tren yet. Look up the ology faq's thread and check out the beginner cycle link. Go from there...
If you were told to use an ai during cycle and you don't know why, you aren't ready for tren yet. Look up the ology faq's thread and check out the beginner cycle link. Go from there...

I understand it's to keep my levels in check, i included that just to make sure my buddy is right. I've read aromasin is better to be taken during but I cannot get it
Apologies in advance because I'm new to forums, what do you mean by history. Like my gains and when I took them. I figured you just wanted to make sure I wasn't pinning tren my 1st cycle