Tren - anti-prolactin needed?


I'm considering running tren for the first time soon. I'm currently in the middle of my 20 week test only cycle (1st) and it's going great. I'm also on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), so my next blast will probably come soon after finishing this cycle.

TRT dose test (250mg E10D)
50mg tren ace ED
0.5mg arimidex ED / EOD

If the sides are too harsh or I experience any issues I cannot deal with I could end it fast by coming off. Could I do this safely without any anti-prolactins? Test will be pretty low, so aromatization will be minimal and estrogen issues should not arise, correct?
I'm considering running tren for the first time soon. I'm currently in the middle of my 20 week test only cycle (1st) and it's going great. I'm also on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), so my next blast will probably come soon after finishing this cycle.

TRT dose test (250mg E10D)
50mg tren ace ED
0.5mg arimidex ED / EOD

If the sides are too harsh or I experience any issues I cannot deal with I could end it fast by coming off. Could I do this safely without any anti-prolactins? Test will be pretty low, so aromatization will be minimal and estrogen issues should not arise, correct?

Honestly, I would run Caber along with your Tren. It makes me feel great, better sex drive, etc. The way I look at it. Why chance raising your prolactin and having to deal with prolactin induced gyno?? Not worth it. As for your Tren, how long are you planning to run your tren. Also, there is no need to pin Tren Ace everyday. Most guys run EOD or in my case, I ran mine MWF at 100mg on those days and the results were great. No need to inject that much man. That arimidex dose also looks like quite a bit if you are doing 0.5mg ED. I assume you have all that dialed in though since you mention being on TRT.
No adex on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) needed. TBH honest I don't even know what was the reasoning behind taking adex with tren. I guess it would do nothing to prevent prolactin issues.

If I don't need adex on my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose, I shouldn't need it when i add tren, correct? I was considering going without caber or prami because they seem to be hard to find.
No adex on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) needed. TBH honest I don't even know what was the reasoning behind taking adex with tren. I guess it would do nothing to prevent prolactin issues.

If I don't need adex on my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose, I shouldn't need it when i add tren, correct? I was considering going without caber or prami because they seem to be hard to find.

There is no need for adex with tren. That would not stop prolactin increases. You need cabergoline or prami. All site sponsors carry these chems.
Estrogen has a direct and proportional relationship with prolactin - so it should be managed even in a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) scenario. Especially with the addition of a 19nor. Manage e with adex - keep prami on hand just in case. Those are my thoughts.
I would def. use the adex adding tren. It can help with acne as well and adding tren may cause gyno with prolactin buildup. Its not worth the risk of not using caber and adex imo.
I'm surprised you're doing your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose E10D. Have you tried splitting that to 125mg/E3.5D? You should see less hormonal rollercoasters and your E2 shouldn't spike nearly as much. As estrogen rises, the prolactin sides have an opportunity to come into play - I agree with the others that using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (even if you don't use it on TRT) would be sage advice.

My .02c :)
You probably won't need caber because with a test dose that low your estrogen should be under control, so prolactin shouldn't be an issue. It would be a good idea to have caber or prami on hand though.
Is it possible to get prolactin gyno when estrogen is kept low with an AI? I have pharma caber (Dostinex) available, but it's really expensive. Around $80 for 8 0.5mg pills. Bromo on the other hand is pretty cheap.

Also, I'm now thinking about lowering tren further and going with high test instead to avoid these issues.
Is it possible to get prolactin gyno when estrogen is kept low with an AI? I have pharma caber (Dostinex) available, but it's really expensive. Around $80 for 8 0.5mg pills. Bromo on the other hand is pretty cheap.

Also, I'm now thinking about lowering tren further and going with high test instead to avoid these issues.
I get more issues with higher test doses with tren then with lower. Anything is possible but I've run 1g tren with low test and not needed anything for prolactin, and I know people that go higher than that without using caber/prami/bromo.
Is it possible to get prolactin gyno when estrogen is kept low with an AI? I have pharma caber (Dostinex) available, but it's really expensive. Around $80 for 8 0.5mg pills. Bromo on the other hand is pretty cheap.

Also, I'm now thinking about lowering tren further and going with high test instead to avoid these issues.

In the absence of elevated estrogen it is impossible to get gyno.
tren is unlikely to act as an activator of the progesterone receptor despite having a high binding affinity for it as if this were the case, gyno on tren would be rare. Instead, evidence suggests tren binds to the progesterone receptor but doesn't activate it - in this case it acts as a SPRM.

As SPRMs upregulates estrogen receptors then gyno becomes more of a risk as even normal estrogen levels can result in gyno.

Since estrogen is to blame for gyno, my suggestion of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on tren or tren like sustances would seem the logical conclusion. I've studied this brolore prolactin gyno and tren for 6 months now. Not one case of anyone being able to produce bloodwork indicating elevated prolactin. prolactin gyno on tren is a wrongly repeated brolore fable, the gyno is estrogen related. We need to educate others on this, unless of course, someone has bloods indicating elevated prolactin from trenbolone.

Personally, I've never done caber on tren cycles, when tingling, soreness or lumps form,I'll cut the test back a bit and use letro to take care of the extrogen.
I'm currently on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and thinking of Blasting with Tren as well, so I will be watching the advice on this thread. Good info here.
In the absence of elevated estrogen it is impossible to get gyno.

Exactly, keep the estrogen under control and prolactin shouldn't be much of an issue. I still had some minor prolactin issues even on liquidex and I found using vitamin b6 at 400mg a day kept the prolactin issues away compared to when i ran Tren and didn't use b6.