Tren Bulking, Not clean diet approach and experiences needed

Looking thick my man you back on the tren?

Ehh, not currently. But I did just have some tren/stanzol blend that was pretty real stuff. Got me cut up a bit. Didn't run it long as it gives some serious lumps at pin site. I got a vial left over was thinking about using it as pre workout here and again tho. Its tren and winny suspension so it hits u right now!
Ehh, not currently. But I did just have some tren/stanzol blend that was pretty real stuff. Got me cut up a bit. Didn't run it long as it gives some serious lumps at pin site. I got a vial left over was thinking about using it as pre workout here and again tho. Its tren and winny suspension so it hits u right now!

Haha Nar your looking good man yeah tren /winni sus would be good something you don't see every day I've been taking trest (ment)pre workout good crazy stuff not for the faint of heart