Tren Bulking, Not clean diet approach and experiences needed

Again not a pl but its always nice to see what u can throw up strength wise and why not
Deads are a major lift and great for mass and strength so why not throw a pr day here and there once everything else is completed for the week
I call it my fuck around day where i go in with the mindset of lifting heavy keeping reps low and making the ladies unhappy with the rattle and noise

Maybe when you're 50 you think otherwise Matt. I train smarter now than I did when much younger. Working around injuries gets old, and I've had 3-4 weeks rehabbing herniated discs where wiping my ass was a challenge. For what? To caress my ego? I can dl x lbs or squat 4 plates. The strongest I've been I got 3 sets of 10 with 315 full squat. Going heavier didn't make sense with my old back. Just seems too risky with very little reward
And cant say i am making out to bad in the ladies dept as i am banging this one right now :)

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Dam this combination pizza cycling is paying off it has nothing to do with Tren its all diet

Well lets see the gut now
All i see is chest
And flat huh was on a high pro, high fat, low carb so now adjusted it to high carb and low fat but anyways nust cost u a shit ton eating out everyday like that
What exactly are u a pl lifter or bodybuilding cause u make no sense by posting chest, shoulder, arm pics as pl dont really give 2 fucks on what there physique looks like as long as they are lifting some heavy as weight
Then in return u telling to eat garbage 4 times a day meanwhile there bodybuilding not a powerlifter
Its alright every once in awhile 1-2 cheat meals a week but fuk bro everyday u just gonna get fat eating that shit
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Usually when people start lifting and getting serious about lifting they usually tend to try to eat properly too and track there cal intake for the day unlike yourself where u just eat everything in site like a fat person does
Lol its getting hard for you to talk shit huh matt? We can compare full body pics i was simply pointing out my traps and delts actually looking like i lift you have never had similar results
I have heard lots of bad experiences including insomnia and coughing out blood (my friends)
will probably not try it anytime soon maybe next year
Maybe when you're 50 you think otherwise Matt. I train smarter now than I did when much younger. Working around injuries gets old, and I've had 3-4 weeks rehabbing herniated discs where wiping my ass was a challenge. For what? To caress my ego? I can dl x lbs or squat 4 plates. The strongest I've been I got 3 sets of 10 with 315 full squat. Going heavier didn't make sense with my old back. Just seems too risky with very little reward

Never a truer word spoken....

When I walk in the gym - I have one single goal in mind.

To break down muscle tissue as much as I can - safely and thoroughly - then I get out, eat and grow.

It makes zero sense whatsoever - other than stroking an ego - to do a 1 rep max on a lift - especially at the end of a grueling workout when you are fatigued - just to 'fuck about'.

When I train, I'm training harder and more intense than anyone in that gym - and when I'm done (usually around the 50-60 minute mark) - I am dripping buckets of sweat and literally cannot do one more single fucking rep.

No, I don't lift light. I lift moderate/heavy weight - with strict technique - and think of nothing more than obliterating the target muscle. Of course I could lift heavier, but I know through experience that my form would suffer and my gains would stop, and start to shrink.

I'm a bodybuilder NOT a powerlifter.

49'er. I totally respect what you do. You lift heavy ass weight and love being strong. Therefore a clean diet is not essential - eating a LOT is.

I have no doubt (and you are living proof already) that your body will not thankyou for it as you get older - and your joints will ache like fuck in your latter years - but you know that, it's a choice you've made and are prepared to take.

But why on earth a guy who has a sole intention of building quality muscle and staying reasonably lean - decides to 'fuck about' at the end of a hypertrophy session - and lift a 1 rep max - is beyond me.
Maybe when you're 50 you think otherwise Matt. I train smarter now than I did when much younger. Working around injuries gets old, and I've had 3-4 weeks rehabbing herniated discs where wiping my ass was a challenge. For what? To caress my ego? I can dl x lbs or squat 4 plates. The strongest I've been I got 3 sets of 10 with 315 full squat. Going heavier didn't make sense with my old back. Just seems too risky with very little reward

I imagine there's quite a few of us here that are in the 40+ that agree with this statement!! I tried the powerlifting rout in my early 40's with the intent on competing. I also train boxers so i'm constantly using hand pads and moving around the ring a lot and the combination of the powerlifting and the hand pad training was killing me. My wife was the one that finally told me I needed to decide whether I was going to train fighters or powerlift because every morning it was a challenge to get out of bed.

Since I run the gym it was kind of a no brainer!

My body is much happier now that I stick to moderately heavy weight and really feel the muscles working. I figure if I can still DL 4 plates on a side, squat and bench 3 then that's plenty good enough for me.

It's all about looking good, feeling good and being safe these days, I'll leave the ego shit for the young guys!!
This right here is one of the most real talk ive seen. Very accurate and touches my heart everytime i listen to it and thank you BigBen for the respect :beertoast

I'm being serious man, I think that is why me and you clash so much on a lot of threads on here...

Because contrary to what most believe - powerlifting and bodybuilding - and for that matter being good at either of them - are worlds apart.

Yes, we both use iron.
Yes, the side effect of one - is a slight pay-off with the other.

But to get good at one of these aspects - you have to totally forget about the other one.

If your goal is size - then of course at some stage you will need to lift reasonably heavy weights - but never at the expense of form.

To get strong - who gives a fuck if you're breaking down muscle or not - it's actually beneficial if you don't.

To get lean and muscular - macros count....

To get strong and powerful - the only thing that you are concerned with is getting as much food in as possible and peaking for meets.

Even as far as AAS goes - powerlifters opt for compounds that give aggression and mass.
Bodybuilders would choose compounds for muscle building and leanness.

And that is what rankles me more than anything.

People who jump on a cycle with the goals of getting bigger AND stronger. It's such a broad perspective and usually results in being mediocre at both.

Rep ranges alter, recovery periods are vastly different, powerlifters follow a strict progressive format, whereas bodybuilders vary every workout and shock the body.

To get good at something, you have to lay out the path to glory - and cut out everything else.

49'er knows what he wants - and that's why, in his own way, he can mock the beliefs of a bodybuilder.

And likewise, I know how to get people muscular and lean and ripped to shreds - and raise my eyebrows at a powerlifters needs.

And that's why we've clashed so much over the years.

Plain and simple.
I love you BigBen ive always wanted to tell you this and no my estrogen isnt high from the TNE lol i agree i know to get shredded diet is the only way. My thing is and i dont understand the "your spinnimg your wheels eating shit" i mean i dont have the most aestetic appealing vidy thats for dam sure but you cant say i look like a fat slob either. So to me hormones are alot more important than what is portrayed online. Imagine if i ate the way i do natty? My god what a mess id be, im very passionate about hormone use and amazed by what they help me achieve guess its a bit extreme to defend my beliefs the way i do but hey it makes internet fun i guess