Tren Bulking, Not clean diet approach and experiences needed


New member
My appetite has been down lately. It's hard to get in any calories and I feel "full" all the time, except for that short hour or two after a work out.
I'm not one to complain about dieting, I know it's hard, but I've been trying a diff approach this time around.

Currently eating 4660 calories to bulk up. I've been binging a lot on this diet. I hit my protein, but I eat a lot of side things to rack up the calories such as:
Mcdonalds, Taco bell, Cookies, Sugar filled Pastry bars, Potatoe Salad, Pre-made hot wings ect... The list goes on...

I have put on size for the past 4 weeks I've been on 400mg tren + 750mg test.

I can see I've gained fat, there is no doubt, but I'm only doing this bulk for a max of 12 weeks, then I plan on keto-style diet down to becoming super lean.

Does anyone think the higher dietary fat approach is not good for bulks? Does Tren effect this in anyway? I hear it effects carbs, but this time around I'm having a huge trouble problem in order to get as many carbs in as I need. The problem lies with my general lifestyle, less motivation, not feeling as good in general when having to eat so much ect...So I'm doing optimally the best I can and I feel that it's better to put on more fat on a cycle, then it is to gain nothing at all during the 12 weeks by eating at a deficit..thoughts?

I am aware it's not good for health aside, but for the short term I'm looking for optimal gains and health is watched of course.
I think eating all that junk food will just add to your problems ....those food make you feel like crap! Lack of nutrients. All that sugar?? No good .
Eat cleaner.
Also you are bulking now but you plan on cutting immediately after you wrap up your cycle? This approach may give you poor results.
After a bulk you should run maintenance for 2-3 months. This allows your body to adapt to new Muscle from your bulk. Hopping on a cut can cause you to lose the muscle and keep the fat.

Imo you probably don't need the tren for this bulk either
. You already started so not much you can do now. Except maybe drop tren and save what u have left for your cut. I know you can bulk/cut on anything but from my experience which is limited I admit tren isn't optimal for bulking like deca is. And that could be just how my body reacts to the compounds and maybe your reacts differently.

How experience are you using g tren.? Have you bulk/cut befor?
tren is known to kill appetite because tren reduces your natural t3 production. there are much better bulking compounds that will leave you mentally sane, such as NPP. bulking on 525mg test prop and 525 NPP a week was my favorite bulker.

of course tren can be used for bulking, its just the bullshit that comes along with it isn't worth it IMO.
What made u decide to run test higher than tren? That just seems backwards a touch from what I usually hear people running. I think those dosages will cause tren sides to be more noticeable....and that might not be all that fun. I'd recommend lower your test and up the tren, higher than test, then work hard, diet better and watch the tren do its thing.
So you spend your hard earned cash on the daddy of all gear - and then promptly fill your plate full of junk resulting in poor output, fat gain and motivation issues....

I really can't work people out, I struggle to comprehend the thought process that goes on in people's heads sometimes.

It's like going out, spending a shitload of cash on a sports performance car - and then trying to run it on unleaded fuel and bald tyres.
Yea bro. You will get nothing but bashed for the way you are aproaching this. Eating shyt= shyt gains.
I think eating all that junk food will just add to your problems ....those food make you feel like crap! Lack of nutrients. All that sugar?? No good .
Eat cleaner.
Also you are bulking now but you plan on cutting immediately after you wrap up your cycle? This approach may give you poor results.
After a bulk you should run maintenance for 2-3 months. This allows your body to adapt to new Muscle from your bulk. Hopping on a cut can cause you to lose the muscle and keep the fat.

Imo you probably don't need the tren for this bulk either
. You already started so not much you can do now. Except maybe drop tren and save what u have left for your cut. I know you can bulk/cut on anything but from my experience which is limited I admit tren isn't optimal for bulking like deca is. And that could be just how my body reacts to the compounds and maybe your reacts differently.

How experience are you using g tren.? Have you bulk/cut befor?

I ran tren E for 22 weeks before at 400mg and test at 500mg. It was okay for what it was. I spent half of it bulking and half of it cutting. I B.C, so I don't think it needed to get used to it tbh? I'm always on high test dosage. Not 750 though.

So you spend your hard earned cash on the daddy of all gear - and then promptly fill your plate full of junk resulting in poor output, fat gain and motivation issues....

I really can't work people out, I struggle to comprehend the thought process that goes on in people's heads sometimes.

It's like going out, spending a shitload of cash on a sports performance car - and then trying to run it on unleaded fuel and bald tyres.

I get what your saying and I'm defo one of those people that try to bulk clean and everything and I've done so as well. The problem just lies when you begin to reach high calories. Let me give you a example of my "clean diet".

3 eggs, 1 Cup OJ, 2 Fiber Bars, 1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, Protein Scoop

1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, 4 Oz chicken, 2 Fiber Bars

1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, 4 Oz chicken, 2 Fiber Bars

1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, 4 Oz chicken, 2 Fiber Bars

1 lb Egg whites, Protein Scoop, 2 Fiber Bars

The spaghetti is whole grain, basically better tasting oatmeal IMO. Nearly same macros too. This total is approx 4660 cals +/-
My stomach just can't hold this much food and even 3-4 hours later it's still topped off.

I am aware eating junk is the wrong way to go for many reasons, but don't u agree calories is somewhat still calories in terms of gaining size or losing it? I can't imagine how those pro BB'ers eat over 6000-8000 calories to keep putting on size and to think they do it through clean food is just confusing to me? Especially when they travel all the time. Don't u think they eat a fair amount of junk food and get fat off season and then just get back into shape?

The motivation lack is from general lifestyle. Working out keeps me positive for sure and making progress is great, but there is so much for too life than just working out considering this is a small hobby on the side only.
Hate to say it but the previous posters are all correct - diet is truly king. Even on just a TRT dose of test I was able to DOUBLE my gains by fixing diet . drop all fried foods, suger, simple carbs.
3 eggs, 1 Cup OJ, 2 Fiber Bars, 1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, Protein Scoop

1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, 4 Oz chicken, 2 Fiber Bars

1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, 4 Oz chicken, 2 Fiber Bars

1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, 4 Oz chicken, 2 Fiber Bars

1 lb Egg whites, Protein Scoop, 2 Fiber Bars

Dude, I'm no dietician, but I do know that eating the same fricking meal 4/5 times a day is gonna wear thin after a while!

Spaghetti sauce x4!!! :crying:

Where's the fish? Where's the turkey? Where's the red meat?

Carbs: Where's the rice? Where's the sweet potato? Where's the white potato? Where's the Cous-cous? Quinoa?

It's hardly surprising you opted for junk with that blinkered mindset.

You really need to start putting diet BEFORE drugs - because it doesn't matter how good your gear is, or how much you take - you can't out-drug a shite diet.
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I ran tren E for 22 weeks before at 400mg and test at 500mg. It was okay for what it was. I spent half of it bulking and half of it cutting. I B.C, so I don't think it needed to get used to it tbh? I'm always on high test dosage. Not 750 though.

I get what your saying and I'm defo one of those people that try to bulk clean and everything and I've done so as well. The problem just lies when you begin to reach high calories. Let me give you a example of my "clean diet".

3 eggs, 1 Cup OJ, 2 Fiber Bars, 1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, Protein Scoop

1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, 4 Oz chicken, 2 Fiber Bars

1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, 4 Oz chicken, 2 Fiber Bars

1lb Spagetti w/Sauce, 4 Oz chicken, 2 Fiber Bars

1 lb Egg whites, Protein Scoop, 2 Fiber Bars

The spaghetti is whole grain, basically better tasting oatmeal IMO. Nearly same macros too. This total is approx 4660 cals +/-
My stomach just can't hold this much food and even 3-4 hours later it's still topped off.

I am aware eating junk is the wrong way to go for many reasons, but don't u agree calories is somewhat still calories in terms of gaining size or losing it? I can't imagine how those pro BB'ers eat over 6000-8000 calories to keep putting on size and to think they do it through clean food is just confusing to me? Especially when they travel all the time. Don't u think they eat a fair amount of junk food and get fat off season and then just get back into shape?

The motivation lack is from general lifestyle. Working out keeps me positive for sure and making progress is great, but there is so much for too life than just working out considering this is a small hobby on the side only.
Just curious when u say spagettie
Is that 1lbs of ground beef, if not i dont know how big u are but that doesnt seem like alot of protein either way
Im a combination of burritos/hamburgers/pizza and a pretty fat strong mother fucker lolView attachment 565116

I ve been to his meets fella s..mother fuckers strong.

Ur running 1.150 grams gear;; eating 4600 cal s for a little side lined hobby you say. I know what 4600 cals x a month costs plus the gear cost s and ur not fat. Ur not huge but u look fine ; what s ur end game with side lined lil hobby ?

Furthermore I m amazed at guy s who do a 12 week bulk and then immediately start talking cut...W T H..?
2 step s forward 2 step s back.
I went from 170 ish to 220 on a 36-48 month cycle . Silly yes. Reckless yes. Soccer phenom pot smoking beach bum to 220 pound meathead---50 pounds in 4 years of eating pinning eating pining. These 12 week gonna change my look and then do it again KILL ME WITH the lack of forward looking long term goals.
I know at 210 I ain t shit but I m kicking ur ass at 52.
I could gear up and weigh 220 in 8 weeks but I m good.
Mature muscle takes years not months to retain and I m on trt w occasional m w f bump s of extra AAS.
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Agreed w teut, what people forget alot of times is that it takes TIME...although we can speed up the process 10 fold w drugs those bodies we want take time. But, unless you're one of the genetically gifted then a shit diet will def help you put on fat.

Yes youre right some the pros can eat like shit and get away with it they're genetically and synthetically gifted
I ve been to his meets fella s..mother fuckers strong.

Ur running 1.150 grams gear;; eating 4600 cal s for a little side lined hobby you say. I know what 4600 cals x a month costs plus the gear cost s and ur not fat. Ur not huge but u look fine ; what s ur end game with side lined lil hobby ?

Furthermore I m amazed at guy s who do a 12 week bulk and then immediately start talking cut...W T H..?
2 step s forward 2 step s back.
I went from 170 ish to 220 on a 36-48 month cycle . Silly yes. Reckless yes. Soccer phenom pot smoking beach bum to 220 pound meathead---50 pounds in 4 years of eating pinning eating pining. These 12 week gonna change my look and then do it again KILL ME WITH the lack of forward looking long term goals.
I know at 210 I ain t shit but I m kicking ur ass at 52.
I could gear up and weigh 220 in 8 weeks but I m good.
Mature muscle takes years not months to retain and I m on trt w occasional m w f bump s of extra AAS.

Me? Im pretty sure i eat more than 4600 but i dont count lol well my hobby if you meant me i wanna take this as gar as i possibly can i want to be the best i can possibly be. I am 100% obsessed on my goals and ive been wakimg up at 330am to train and then off to work 14 hour days im competimg again in oct its a very important event a company i dream of being sponsored by will be there filmimg and ive already got there attention, i have huge dreams brotha
1Lbs of spagetti what? What noodles and mix with sauce and 4oz chicken breast? If only a 4oz chicken breast its roughly 30g pro
Usually on the carton of egg whites it says 1/4 cups eguals 7g pro ect ect
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Me? Im pretty sure i eat more than 4600 but i dont count lol well my hobby if you meant me i wanna take this as gar as i possibly can i want to be the best i can possibly be. I am 100% obsessed on my goals and ive been wakimg up at 330am to train and then off to work 14 hour days im competimg again in oct its a very important event a company i dream of being sponsored by will be there filmimg and ive already got there attention, i have huge dreams brotha
Its good to have huge dreams, just be sure to keep your feet on the ground and keep us posted!
NO 49 er No !!!!!

OP was my target, I shoulda specified that he needs to realize it take s a long long time to beat ur genetics and to build muscle that stay with you but only years can do this.

My statement of " kicking his ass " meant I m using 1/6 the gear he is and eating 1k less but since I ve done this longer than he s been alive my body can maintain the look I ve chosen.
Although not a huge guy I m bigger than a lot of guy s stronger than most and harder than 90 percent of the poof da s in the world I live in which is not here.
U cannot bulk for 12 weeks switch gears and then go to a cut as u only wind up back at square one with maybe a 2-3 pounds more muscle but still if it s a "side line hobby " anyway I do not understand the questions, the queering vet s for advice and or then doubting what is gospel.

To go from a skinny 170 aerobic athlete with skinny family genetics to a 220 pound force at one time took 4-5 years of living this hard core. Driving shitty cars wearing crappy clothes working 2 and 3 job s to eat buy gear etc.
Now with trt and lil blasts but pounding the weights and eating like an animal but smart food I can look ok at 52 and bed 19 yr olds and 52 yr olds alike.
I m patient with pussy; not pussie s. This takes YEARS to change and it s not bulk gear cut gear it s food weight s rest gear repeat for DECADES.
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1Lbs of spagetti what? What noodles and mix with sauce and 4oz chicken breast? If only a 4oz chicken breast its roughly 30g pro
Usually on the carton of egg whites it says 1/4 cups eguals 7g pro ect ect

OP- are you truly eating 3 lbs of pasta a day or is that the total weight of the meal? why so many carbs and so little protein?