Tren Bulking, Not clean diet approach and experiences needed

Id like to add most of my powerlifter friends including myself we eat all the same shit bodybuilders do we have the same nutritional needs you guys do. But we eat bery freely and alot we all want to put on size and be as string as possible. This is where my beliefs come from, i have buddys that eat like monsters eat junk panda express, pizza you name it. And they are fucken jacked so genetics do have a roll but to say clean is the only true way to pack size is the only way i have to disagree. Healthier? Absolutely but most dont understand the chemical warfare for top ifbb they dont gwt that size eating chicken and rice its large amounts of GH and insulin. Thats why we see guys on every forum take large amounts of aas but never really get huge.
Great way of seeing the different perspectives of what we all do guys. Good info from you all!
I may as well add mine if you don't mind...

For me and alot of other guys on this board how u train and eat may tie in to other aspects of your life.... a big one being what you do for a living.

A guy with a desk job has to train regularly and eat healthy and probably watch macros. He needs to keep his body from turning to mush.
Other guys like myself who work in jobs like construction or firefighters or police or military should train and eat with consideration to how they function day to day... mainly protect your body from injuries that can cost you your lively hood.
Since my job has stats like 50% of deaths on the job are CV related then eating really healthy and doing plenty of cardio is a must. And with stats like high amount of back injuries and shoulder and knee injuries... training has to be about being strong and functional and protecting those problem areas.
I use medium weight and drop sets and supersets to copy conditions I face when working. Higher rep stuff is good.
I find doing DLs is perfect for me. But not too heavy. I usually stick to 225 for 3 - 5 sets for reps. This translates well over to my job if I have to pick up someone off the floor that's unconscious. If they weigh more than that I have my one shot if need be but usually I have help so it's good.
I also sometimes go without sleep for 24hrs or more which sucks but it's the job.
I did PowerLift when I was 34 for about a year. Did 5x5. Put on 10lbs in that time. Then started trt after that and do BB training now.
Low t kicked me down a few rungs on my job performance. Even effected my aggressiveNess. So trt has set me right for what I do and diet and training have enhanced me beyond what I could imagine.
Notice I said diet and training enhanced me and not trt. Trt just put me back to square one. Eating right has propelled me much further.
How do you keep cholesterol in check 49'er?

With food types like that - and AAS on top. That's gotta be a huge concern for you?

My good cholesterol was a bit low or maybe it was the other i dont recall but the doctor was not concerned and told me just to supplement fish oil...... And by the way this meal is very healthy just sea food
My good cholesterol was a bit low or maybe it was the other i dont recall but the doctor was not concerned and told me just to supplement fish oil...... And by the way this meal is very healthy just sea food

I just saw the batter, and I've seen loads of pics of pizzas etc - just wondered bro
I just saw the batter, and I've seen loads of pics of pizzas etc - just wondered bro

I actually use less aas now if you break it down i typically just stay on test and about 6 weeks before comp ill introduce some tren and as i get closer ill add orals so its a much shorter blast for me. I use to always blast hard now i like my hormones to be peaking as i go into the meet.
Id like to add most of my powerlifter friends including myself we eat all the same shit bodybuilders do we have the same nutritional needs you guys do. But we eat bery freely and alot we all want to put on size and be as string as possible. This is where my beliefs come from, i have buddys that eat like monsters eat junk panda express, pizza you name it. And they are fucken jacked so genetics do have a roll but to say clean is the only true way to pack size is the only way i have to disagree. Healthier? Absolutely but most dont understand the chemical warfare for top ifbb they dont gwt that size eating chicken and rice its large amounts of GH and insulin. Thats why we see guys on every forum take large amounts of aas but never really get huge.

Not that he's a great example by any means but I watched a Rich Pianna video, one of his dieting down vids I think and I noticed every night he stopped at the habit and downed 2 double burgers and a sirloin salad I believe. Not entirely sure what he does in the rest of the videos as I can only stand listening to him talk for short periods but it made me think of Lee Priest in his off season how huge he got when he bulked. Granted a lot of it was fat but I could never understand the theory behind doing this?

I'm more like 9'er when I bulk, I eat healthier but not always clean and I definintly up my pizza intake. For me though it's a more a matter of convenience than anything, I don't have a lot of time between working 2 jobs and running a gym to do a lot of meal prep. It's much easier to grab something on the fly although I do try for the healthiest option I can find. I also find that I look much bigger and fuller when I do this but I also never look shredded! One of these days when I actually have the time I will be getting a hold of 3J to help put it all together and fill in the blanks for me as far as nutrition is concerned...Some times it's just easier/better to let the experts do it for you!
I just saw the batter, and I've seen loads of pics of pizzas etc - just wondered bro

On a LabsMD test, what does cholest show as? I can't find any HDL or LDL or Trisgly on it?

I don't eat very clean either, but I think with enough Fiber, Fish oils, 1-2g of Garlic that should keep it pretty solid even on a junk food diet.
On a LabsMD test, what does cholest show as? I can't find any HDL or LDL or Trisgly on it?

I don't eat very clean either, but I think with enough Fiber, Fish oils, 1-2g of Garlic that should keep it pretty solid even on a junk food diet.

Thats not on a fwmale hormone those tests i do at my normal doc as checkups
Not that he's a great example by any means but I watched a Rich Pianna video, one of his dieting down vids I think and I noticed every night he stopped at the habit and downed 2 double burgers and a sirloin salad I believe. Not entirely sure what he does in the rest of the videos as I can only stand listening to him talk for short periods but it made me think of Lee Priest in his off season how huge he got when he bulked. Granted a lot of it was fat but I could never understand the theory behind doing this?

I'm more like 9'er when I bulk, I eat healthier but not always clean and I definintly up my pizza intake. For me though it's a more a matter of convenience than anything, I don't have a lot of time between working 2 jobs and running a gym to do a lot of meal prep. It's much easier to grab something on the fly although I do try for the healthiest option I can find. I also find that I look much bigger and fuller when I do this but I also never look shredded! One of these days when I actually have the time I will be getting a hold of 3J to help put it all together and fill in the blanks for me as far as nutrition is concerned...Some times it's just easier/better to let the experts do it for you!

Yes your work (2 jobs) and what you do in your spare time will definitely dictate over your eating and traiming.
When I worked 2 jobs I could only train 3 x wk
And diet wise I tried my best but had to eat on the fly alot and miss some meals too.
When I decided to only work one job I made my second job diet and traiNing with the promise to myself that if I won't work 2 jobs then I am going to eat better and trainore often.
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I guess i may not be right in the head sometimes i wonder why i put myself through so much torture lol but i am addicted to bettering myself times like this where i am in absolute misery are the best because when i finally recover and heal i come back so much stronger. Graston is no joke it fucken hurts but its worth the pain, i had a brutal 1 hour session all i care about is recovering for my competition. Oh ya this thread has taken a turn lmao
Never a truer word spoken....

When I walk in the gym - I have one single goal in mind.

To break down muscle tissue as much as I can - safely and thoroughly - then I get out, eat and grow.

It makes zero sense whatsoever - other than stroking an ego - to do a 1 rep max on a lift - especially at the end of a grueling workout when you are fatigued - just to 'fuck about'.

When I train, I'm training harder and more intense than anyone in that gym - and when I'm done (usually around the 50-60 minute mark) - I am dripping buckets of sweat and literally cannot do one more single fucking rep.

No, I don't lift light. I lift moderate/heavy weight - with strict technique - and think of nothing more than obliterating the target muscle. Of course I could lift heavier, but I know through experience that my form would suffer and my gains would stop, and start to shrink.

I'm a bodybuilder NOT a powerlifter.

49'er. I totally respect what you do. You lift heavy ass weight and love being strong. Therefore a clean diet is not essential - eating a LOT is.

I have no doubt (and you are living proof already) that your body will not thankyou for it as you get older - and your joints will ache like fuck in your latter years - but you know that, it's a choice you've made and are prepared to take.

But why on earth a guy who has a sole intention of building quality muscle and staying reasonably lean - decides to 'fuck about' at the end of a hypertrophy session - and lift a 1 rep max - is beyond me.

Hey man I just copied this to a document as a remainder as to what it's all about for me now days... the basic thinking.
Not that he's a great example by any means but I watched a Rich Pianna video, one of his dieting down vids I think and I noticed every night he stopped at the habit and downed 2 double burgers and a sirloin salad I believe. Not entirely sure what he does in the rest of the videos as I can only stand listening to him talk for short periods but it made me think of Lee Priest in his off season how huge he got when he bulked. Granted a lot of it was fat but I could never understand the theory behind doing this?

I'm more like 9'er when I bulk, I eat healthier but not always clean and I definintly up my pizza intake. For me though it's a more a matter of convenience than anything, I don't have a lot of time between working 2 jobs and running a gym to do a lot of meal prep. It's much easier to grab something on the fly although I do try for the healthiest option I can find. I also find that I look much bigger and fuller when I do this but I also never look shredded! One of these days when I actually have the time I will be getting a hold of 3J to help put it all together and fill in the blanks for me as far as nutrition is concerned...Some times it's just easier/better to let the experts do it for you!
How can meal prep be so hard? Or even more time comsuming?
Literally takes me like 15 min to prep my meat and throw it on a baking sheet and let er cook for 45 min
As for the rice or pasta just make a big batch and put it in a bowl, not hard at all
I think u waste more time going to a fast food joint waiting for your food then prepping meals to last u a few days
Somebody should ( I'm not computer savy enough) put the clip of the commercial with the old lady saying that^^^^ .
I think it's a Louisiana hot sauce commercial or something like that. Funny stuff tho.
IDK if i have terrible taste buds, but as long as there is shredded cabbage/veggies and a meat source that has salt on it then i think it taste