tren crashed....Help!


Blue Demon
ok made up a batch of tren enan last week at 300 mg/ml 2/20 and used grapeseed oil, did everything textbook and a week later checked on it and i got crystals forming on the bottom. what happened? am i fucked or can i fix it?

Jynxx said:
ok made up a batch of tren enan last week at 300 mg/ml 2/20 and used grapeseed oil, did everything textbook and a week later checked on it and i got crystals forming on the bottom. what happened? am i fucked or can i fix it?


I've seen 200mg crash at near 1-18% bb.. 300 is a definate crash if you ask me with that recipe. Depending on how badly it crashed, it may be as easy as warming it up under hot running water... otherwise it can be a pain in he ass of heating in a water bath everytime, which isn't fun at all.

Next time, make it like regular but try 50 / 50 combination oil and eo.
so i can prolly heat it back to an injectable consistency, but wont it crystallize at the site and hurt like hell
Jynxx said:
so i can prolly heat it back to an injectable consistency, but wont it crystallize at the site and hurt like hell

Not nessessarily, you'll just have to test it out. Tren as far as hormones go is fairly painless, but if it crashes hard then the crystalization may be an issue, otherwise your body temperature may be enough to keep from doing so. It all depends.

You could always thin it out and add more ba/bb and oil with 200mg/ml in mind. You'll just need to run it all through a filter again to make sure its safe.
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I made it at 400 mg/ml with 2/20 and grapeseed. It did fine for about a week. Then it crashed right as I was drawing from the bottle and my tren E solution immediately turned from liquid to the consistency of a bar of soap. I could see the crystals growing, it was strange.

I cut it down to 360 mg/ml and it holds now that it's summer but when it cools down, crystals form. I just heat it every time. A batch of tren I made at 250 (2/20/GSO) also used to crash when it got cool.

Tren e always gives me more injection site soreness than any other thing. I don't know if it's the crystals or if the stuff just irritates me. I always draw a little test or nandrolone with it and that helps a lot. Even prop helps.

Next time I make tren E I will make it at about 360 again. I'd try using a little EO if I thought it would help it hold at 400. I've never heard of somebody using EO with tren E.

For sure I'm going to try tren decanoate once I run through my tren E. I have a feeling that the decanoate estered tren will hold at 400 mg/ml. Anybody try that yet?