"Tren dick"


New member
recently on this board I asked if Winstrol and tren acetate should be satcked? TREN DICK was the only answer I got? So can anyone give some experienced opinions?
shoujld i just use dbol instead? early thirties my goal is to loose fat! and yes Iam eating really good and cardio 5 days a wk.
Winstol will not burn fat. It will help you maintain your muscle while your consuming less calories and doing more cardio to help burn the fat. Diet is deff a key! What they mean by tren Dick is that running Tren alone with out Test will cause your little monsterman down there to basically stop working. Is this your 1st cycle? If you are cutting don't bother with the dbol!
D-bol will cause a lot of water retention from the heavy aromatization. Tren will stop HPTA in its tracks, causing "tren dick." That's why you need to stack it with testosterone. If you're going to be using a 19-nor compound, then you will need an anti-prolactin, such as pramipexole or Dostinex (Cabergoline).

If your only goal is to lose fat, you don't need so many compounds. Small amounts of Winstrol and some test is good enough to hold onto your gains while you're cutting. It's all diet.
Mate it seriously sounds like you dont know what your doing. You are going for cut and you want to go for dbols?!!! Seems like you wanna burn fat but are going about it the wrong way. Have you had a look at any cutting steroid cycles? There are plenty on the internet
Early thirties 257lbs workout 5 days a wk, cardio 5 days a week 6ft tall I'm not flappy but need to work out some excess fat. Need to measure bodyfat.
Early thirties 257lbs workout 5 days a wk, cardio 5 days a week 6ft tall I'm not flappy but need to work out some excess fat. Need to measure bodyfat.

thanx, also your age and when you started to work out. please.

always to be helpfull of corse.
Would u recommend Promastren instead? And thanx on that.

Whats promastren. Seriously mate I would stop what you are doing and go to pct, what you are doing now will most likely cause you more harm than good. Winstrol on its own isnt a good idea anyway. Research into the ECA stack, its very good for fat burning
6 ft tall 32 started working out again after a 2 year hiatus. Been cerrently working out now for 4 months. Brutal cardio. been working out on and off for a 14 years.
you have NO IDEA about steroids there side effects wich are toxic, wich work better for certian goals.
THERE IS NO SHORTCUT. diet is what will help you. ECA on and off.
the fact your even thinking of doin tren only or tren and Winstrol (winny) with no test. or aske if dbol only would be good for cutting tellls me you HAVE NO BIZZ TOUCHING/USING ANY SORT OF STEROID.

keap reading up and researching every aas out there aling with peoples exp on forums for months before you think bout what your about to jump into.
researching diet and traing also of course.

wish you luck

but right now dont touch any sort of aas.
realy for fat loss i will not advice nothing than cardio and patience. Eca is perfect help!

Juced is all right.
Echo'd. Research more before doing and AS (Anabolic Steroids). Try ECA and cardio. You can even research some Clenbuterol or Cytomel.
were the results good also?

o ya.......ill know for sure when i run it again in a couple weeks.

i only had 10ml this time round because i had to trash a vial...so i relli only got 4 weeks out of it which means it was a fairly low dose.

cant wait to hit up 75mg/day, shits gonna be sick