Tren dosage... what would you do?


Its a Celebration Bitches
If you had to pick between:

75mg/EOD for 10 weeks
50mg/ED for 8 weeks

i was leaning more toward the second option because tren is so fast-acting...
daan69 said:
If you had to pick between:

75mg/EOD for 10 weeks
50mg/ED for 8 weeks

i was leaning more toward the second option because tren is so fast-acting...
i like shooting everyday so I would do the 50mg.
100mg eod for me was a good dosage, gains were not as good as when i ran 75mg ed, but sides were much less. Gains were pretty close though. I would go for the 50mg ed, that is probably as high as i will ever go with tren again, if i decide to even run it again.
jcp2 said:
100mg eod for me was a good dosage, gains were not as good as when i ran 75mg ed, but sides were much less. Gains were pretty close though. I would go for the 50mg ed, that is probably as high as i will ever go with tren again, if i decide to even run it again.
yeah I don't know how people handle the high doses. If I ever do it again and that is a big if, it will be 25mg a day.
I am running 50mg/day and I am in week 2. I feel fine Ill just have to see what happens...
Oh and for what its worth I use a slin 29 pin. You cant even really feel it. It makes ed or eod injects a breeze....
You could prob go 75 eod. I use it with test enanth 500/mg/wk. Its my second cycle.
You could always approximate 37.5 ED if you want to go with ED shots.

I guess I must be lucky as the only sides I get from Tren are crazy strength, awesome hardening and a bit of night sweats. ;) The night sweats don't happen (aren't noticeable) as long as I keep a fan blowing on me. I'll probably run Tren in every cycle I do accept when using Deca.
tren eod is prefect for a first timer...starting low like 50, the most 75mg eod is just rite....i do 100mg eod when prepping for a show and the last couple weeks before the show i bump it up to 200mgs thats some harsh shit, but tis better to look good then to feel keep it low and moderate for ur first time..tren is not a mickey mouse compound..

tren is a better lean mass builder mg for mg than test...if thats what u mean..test will get u big as fuck, but tren will get u better lean gains..

I'm currently running my Tren 100mg eod with Test Enanthate 1250mg ew. Gotta love it !! Although I'm running the Tren for only 6-8 wks and it was made by my sources chemist from Tren powder .....and I'm not happy with it all !! I'm gonna e-mail him right now !!
Meatball said:
so 75mg ed with 50mg prop ed would be overkill for a tren first timer? it only comes out at about 800mg juice a week

is it really that much more potent mg for mg compared to test?

Tren seems to affect everyone a bit different. Mg for mg, tren is one hell of an androgenic compound yet still very anabolic as well. I would not outright say 75mg ed would be overkill for a first time user, but it's safer to start low than high. You can always up your dose if your not getting what you want from the drug.