I never venture away from this place, but a friend sent me a link to another forum. At the top of the page, was a discussion about keeping test dose low while on tren, which I had read here as well. It basically said it will minimize the side effects most people blame on tren.
A little over 2 weeks in, I'm not feeling any real side effects of the tren, but so far I like it very much and would like to run it the full 10 weeks. Someone told me you run tren until the tren tells you it's time to stop.
I'm on 800mg test
600mg mast
420mg tren
500iu hcg
Daily low dose cialis
I'll throw in anavar towards the end
I plan to run tren 10 weeks, test and mast 16, with the anavar 4 weeks. If I'm not feeling bad, is there any advantage/disadvantage to lowering the test until the tren is done? Down to say 400mg /week.
A little over 2 weeks in, I'm not feeling any real side effects of the tren, but so far I like it very much and would like to run it the full 10 weeks. Someone told me you run tren until the tren tells you it's time to stop.
I'm on 800mg test
600mg mast
420mg tren
500iu hcg
Daily low dose cialis
I'll throw in anavar towards the end
I plan to run tren 10 weeks, test and mast 16, with the anavar 4 weeks. If I'm not feeling bad, is there any advantage/disadvantage to lowering the test until the tren is done? Down to say 400mg /week.