Tren dreams! Love/ Hate/ weird/ semi psychotic


New member
Okay so posting something personal probably not too important but was curious if any one else is willing to share.

Ive been running Tren ACE for the past few weeks for the first time ever, i (inject 1cc eod) thinking about bumping that up a little. I have read lots of articals on the fourms about Tren good and bad, hosntly i get a laugh from a few of these posts.
So my sides from the tren arnt too serious.... Yet? I sweat by what seems gallons while im working out, i dont seem to hit any "walls" by that i mean, i push through lifts like never befor im not a body builder i do Olympic lifting and CrossFit so i literally push the limitations of my body pretty hard 4 days a week usually do 2 work outs a day.

But im coming up on the end of my first 10 ml bottle and im starting to have some pretty vivid dreams; One in particular that i had today befor work... I got robed by the star actor of the movie "Harry and the Hendersons" i dont know why he robbed me but he was wearing a blue track suit from the 80 and led me to a house with people wearing animal costumes.... (I havent seen this movie in over 20 years) The dream got uber weird so i woke up a little sweaty...
A 2 part question i have.
1. Does this dreaming progress and become more frequent or is it suposed to be a instant and consistent thing? Usualy i judge the quality of my gear by the sides and im starting to get the sides more often now.
2. Any one experience funny dreams that your willing to share?

Im twisted a little so i find the humour in almost anything.
Never judge tren by sides only the mirror you should be looking alot better by now. I dream weird ass shit comes and goes wish id dream more often
And sides vary from person to person. I've had zero dreams so far. Sweats, check. Insomnia, check. Dented cardio, check. Screwed up libido, check.

But no dreams.... and I'll add again for those who missed the discussion that something about my current protocol has turned me into the smoothest Don Juan mofo to my wife that she is just swooning! And we are some old-ass fukz. She hated my EQ cycle. Said I was a total asshole. Loving the tren tho. Literally. Physically! She never wants me to stop!!!

Explain that shit
Crossfit yes if you count hanging on a Chin up bar wiggling around like a retarded monkey and throwing kettlebells around that fast that there's no technique used at all then yes your pushing your body's limitations as you say lol