Tren E Injection, Burning when injecting. Is this normal?


New member
Hi! I just did my 2 tren e injection today in my quad, And i got this crazy burning/ pain immediately when i started inject, i followed thru and when i took the needle out its started burning even more. I cant say i did anything wrong, did all the basics. When i did the first injection i was mixing the tren with test and didn't get the burn our anything, same spots. Now its little red further down from the injection spot but no swelling. I just wondering why these happened and is it common without mixing test. Was shooting 1cc, ampoules alpha pharma " trenbolin ". Thanks
So what could it be? quad has hurted for 3 days now, not that bad. But the injection pain was horrible, i thru the needle at the floor in pain.
Where did you inject the 1st time? I know for me I HATE quad injections and they usually hurt me. Not PIP for long. BUt I hit nerves and blood vessels and bleed etc... my left more then right. THAT's just me and I've been pinning for many, many years. Any time I have some real potent prop or acetate I mix with some Deca or Test E.

I would try a mix and pin your Vent-glute
I injected same quad, same place. I have no scar tissue. Is it a sign of great gear or shit? Like a said, when i mixed with tren e this didn't happen. But i have just done 2 injections so... hope it wont happen again. Why did my quad turn red further down? some bad injection for real.