tren E vs deca


New member
im going to be starting up my cycle real soon and im torn between tren E and deca. i will be doing a 10-11 week cycle with test enanth stacked with some d-bol. which would compliment this cycle better deca or tren E?

what are you looking for in this cycle? Lots of mass? If so deca without a doubt. Strength and hardness, vascularity= Tren.
tren e is quite a bit more expensive, but well worth it from what i hear
hells, i am looking to put on a good mass cycle this fall/winter. so maybe i should save the tren e for my spring cycle huh?
If you want to gain muscle mass test/deca/dbol is a classic, like bread and butter. Its the best stack for mass if you ask me.
Depends on what you're looking to do during this cycle.
I'd advise Deca if you're aiming to bulk up and ready to gain huge mass, and tren is your goal is to gain strength and possibly even shed some fat.
jarbulldog said:
why not do a dbol/tren e /test e/eq i used to like deca but it kills my libido and sex drive
the deca shouldnt bother your sex drive/libido if you run test with the deca.
Is Deca that great for mass? I am considering that for phase two of this cycle. Guess I should do some more reading
I was over 5k calories every day sometimes breaking into 6500 territory, and was not impressed.
RJH8541 said:
Is Deca that great for mass? I am considering that for phase two of this cycle. Guess I should do some more reading

Deca is THE mass building drug, besides test its the only drug that ive found to truly put on MASS, if you dont pussy foot around with little doses.
thats a tough one, deca is obviously a great mass builder, but along with other anabolics like test and dbol, tren is a wicked size builder too.
I would love to be able to do tren again, but its the only steroid that does mess with my temper, and what little hair I have left