Tren Enanthate vs Tren Acetate


New member
Hi I know there is tons of these threads but there is no consistency in answers. My question is which is better for bulking? And does one have less sides then the other? I've used only Tren A and used it to bulk with test c and EQ. I feel that how you eat and train is a solid part of gains. But on all threads nobody agrees on either or. If Tren e was more effective it would seem ideal for simple reasons of less pins. Also being active for 4-5 days your blood levels would be much easier to keep stable of injecting twice a week compared to trying to keep up with ace? I'd like input from people who have used both please. Thank you
The time requirements dictate which ester, nothing else. Tren is tren is tren, although many do notice differences - but easily coincidence.
I've used both and I've gotten better results from acetate than e. It's probably because I'm inpatient and wants gains immediately. What can I say? I'm spoiled.
I've always used tren enanthate with great results... but the first few times I chose tren enanthate was
simply because it is more cost effective.

Since then, I've stuck with it over the years because I prefer less pinning - unlike my first couple years with
AAS I liked pinning more.

Trenbolone Acetate does have a higher % of the trenbolone hormone in the mix, so you will want to keep that in
consideration when you are comparing the two.

Trenbolone Acetate: 87%
Trenbolone Enanthate: 70%

Each will achieve the same results... other than acetate will kick in much quicker and leave the body just as quick.
If it's your first run on Tren, I strongly advise pinning Acetate...

There's nothing worse than getting hit with heavy sides and knowing you've got a couple of weeks to ride it out.

Tren Ace is out of your system in 3 days tops.

With regard to which is best with bulking.... come on.... Tren is the daddy - both will work great if working alongside a clean calorific surplus and appropriate mass gaining training protocol.
people usually preffer one ester over another, because they get either one in better quality, or they get one faked... Other then that yes.... tren is tren :)
Start with TrenA.

You need to find out what you can tolerate.

If you find that you can't tolerate it, then TrenA is out of your system in days vs. weeks with TrenE

I just decided to come off because I can't handle it.
Ya I've already ran Tren A. I personally put on the size fast but not the strength everyone was talking about. But from all the replys I get the vibe they are the exact same only one works quicker and leaves quicker. My only thought then is if they are both the same besides mg potency and ester length why do u never hear of anyone cutting with Tren E? My guess is you hold more water but maybe I'm wrong
Ya I've already ran Tren A. I personally put on the size fast but not the strength everyone was talking about. But from all the replys I get the vibe they are the exact same only one works quicker and leaves quicker. My only thought then is if they are both the same besides mg potency and ester length why do u never hear of anyone cutting with Tren E? My guess is you hold more water but maybe I'm wrong

Tren doesn't aromatize, so there isn't any water weight gain. I cut with enanthate; there, now you've heard of someone cutting with it. :wiggle:
All good advice given.

Tren e is usually dosed higher, and cheaper mg for mg. It is also a more steady release. For that reason only, it may be better suited to a long bulk cycle.

I have used both, and tren a is great for cutting.