Tren Enanthate


New member
Does this stuff hold well like most other long esthers, or is it fickle like test cyp? I usually make my test enan, eq, and deca with 2.5% BA and 10% BB. Just wanted to be sure before I mix this stuff up, it was pretty damn expensive.
What i know Tren enanthe is harder to make then Test enanthe it doesent matter if its the same ester its still trenbolone i made my tren e 200mg/ml and i used 2% Ba 20%BB to be sure i think it also depends on how strong you make it but i would use 15-20%BB just to be sure.
bleach, just make it at 250mg/ml with your normal 10%. If it doesn't hold, just cut it with some BB until it holds. You would still be at 200mg/ml at 20% BB once its finished. Or just start with 20%
I made 300mg/ml at 2%BA 20%BB and it crashed once, i reheated and it's been good since.
1/15 works fine here but I live in a warm climate. I did 2.5/20 and it was like a fucking BULLET in my ass. Sorry kids, one of the two items is not agreeing with my bod.

I have heard of BB sensativity from at least one person, so maybe thats it.

Too bad its not like test enan, that stuff mixes so easily.
Mudge said:
1/15 works fine here but I live in a warm climate. I did 2.5/20 and it was like a fucking BULLET in my ass. Sorry kids, one of the two items is not agreeing with my bod.

I have heard of BB sensativity from at least one person, so maybe thats it.

Too bad its not like test enan, that stuff mixes so easily.

Mudge, PB and I were talking about this before about BB. If you look at my newest test suspension recipe, i changed to using BB as PEG wasn't holding well.

Well, if you look at BB as a solvent, it states its absolutely NOT water-soluble, but it goes perfectly in my water-based suspension recipe. If that's the case, maybe BB has some solubility properties we don't know about when mixed with certain other things. In which, maybe it has the same effect in high concentrations of say Tren E where you sopke of the huge BULLEt in your ass feeling. Hmmmm?

Of course that BULLET in the ass feeling may have been from fantom sneaking over to your place again!! LOL
RJH8541 said:
Mudge, PB and I were talking about this before about BB. If you look at my newest test suspension recipe, i changed to using BB as PEG wasn't holding well.

Well, if you look at BB as a solvent, it states its absolutely NOT water-soluble, but it goes perfectly in my water-based suspension recipe. If that's the case, maybe BB has some solubility properties we don't know about when mixed with certain other things. In which, maybe it has the same effect in high concentrations of say Tren E where you sopke of the huge BULLEt in your ass feeling. Hmmmm?

Of course that BULLET in the ass feeling may have been from fantom sneaking over to your place again!! LOL

nice pic of my girl BTW. damn she's hot.
The tren ace/test prop blend is holding nicely at 2/20. I'll let you know how the test enanthate comes out. Test prop at 2/20 always makes me sore, so I'm going to try 5/10 for the tren enanthate. I know it's prob the prop itself that is causing the discomfort and not the BB, but after reading the above posts, I'm going to try out a lower level of BB and see if it holds.
bleachcola said:
The tren ace/test prop blend is holding nicely at 2/20. I'll let you know how the test enanthate comes out. Test prop at 2/20 always makes me sore, so I'm going to try 5/10 for the tren enanthate. I know it's prob the prop itself that is causing the discomfort and not the BB, but after reading the above posts, I'm going to try out a lower level of BB and see if it holds.

bleach, PB and I were talking about it but I haven't had time yet. If you get a chance, shoot a ml or 2 of BB into some water and let me know what happens. thanks
RJH8541 said:
bleach, PB and I were talking about it but I haven't had time yet. If you get a chance, shoot a ml or 2 of BB into some water and let me know what happens. thanks

Doesn't appear to be water soluble. Clumps up on the bottom of the beaker. Tried adding heat and swirling, nothing happened.
dont mean to hi jack the thread just seem pointless to start a new on on the same compound...

what is the highes mg/ml anyone has got tren E to hold

looking at running a gram of test and 500mg tren a week for next cycle and if i can keep it down to 3 mls a weel ill be wrapped :D
Morning has arrived and everything still looks pretty. I can't wait till Sunday, I'm shooting this shit now. 250mg each of test and tren in da butt.
bleachcola said:
Doesn't appear to be water soluble. Clumps up on the bottom of the beaker. Tried adding heat and swirling, nothing happened.

That's what I thought. Thanks.

PB, think the ability to hold comes from the addition of a surfactant? I am stumped by this really. Not that i care cause it works, but just curious.
I know this is alittle too late, but since I didnt have access to BB at the time I had to mix my Tren E at 10%BA at 290mg/ml to get it to hold. I am not BA sensitive so its no problem..

I am ready to convert another batch now, and have ordered some BB so will try something else this time. Test E holds with almost no BA at very high mg/ml but as I have discovered leaves me with a serious pain and swelling. So will cut it back this time to 250mg/ml and see how it goes.. Partially due to the fact that a friend of mine who is new to this is joining me and I dont want to inflict too much pain and put him off.. :)

On a side note, some of you might want to contact GenSci since they emailed me with a special offer on Jontropin. All of the packaging is in chinese but its not rocket science on how to use it.. I didnt ask if they ship from mainland China but from my understanding of the email they seem to want to move it quickly..


you guys ever thought of using Guaiacol (2-methoxyphenol) as a solvent

i know it can be used as a solvent to help hold stuburn compounds but i was thinking maybe it could be used as the carrier for tren e.... ?

what do you think...?
RJH, I forgot to mention my stuff is 250mg/ml. Maybe I just need to rotate more, each cheek gets a shot per week (2 shots a week) so they aren't getting much abuse really. About 2 days after the shot is when it bothers me, which is interesting.