Tren Hex vs Enanthate


New member
Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate vs Trenbolone Enanthate...Whats the difference and which one would you prefer?
I dunno man, I used Parabolin years ago and it was the bomb, I got strong as a bull with a 2 rep 515lb squat (not like you saw in a recent video either a proper squat :) )
that was on a 4 week run of the stuff it was impossible to find back then so there was only enough for 4 weeks worth, hex is some seriously good gear.
I would def. be in prison if I used tren susp.!!! lol

lol true, only to be taken pre wrkout. btw I bought some test susp, major reason I did is because of the info written about it in the ''steroid profile'' section on this site. if is fkn awesome, can't imagine how a full cycle of test susp would be like!!