tren only cycle

Yeah my buddy tried it - Valo Pharm 30 cc - 1cc ED - for a month and claims to have gained 10 solid pounds and superhuman strength ....

That's the only person I have heard trying that.

I hear Valo is underdosed though .... PVL might be better.
Generally not a good idea. You should have at least a token amount of test with that to keep your sex drive alive. But some guys can do without it.
I've done it a couple times at 100 mgs per day once, and 75 mgs ed for 8 weeks each time and I got good gains and vascularity from it. But it shut me down pretty bad and recovery was kinda tough also. Definately wont do it again without any test...
yeah but is a tren only cycle ok to do? what about some m1-t added to the mix. just throwing the question out if you do a tren only cycle should you do it QD or QOD?
Just finished my tren only cycle today. I did 75 eod. Worked good for me I shedded alot of fat. Gained some mad strength too. Satring my post cycle therapy (pct) on Monday. My sex drive is pretty low I bet Jena Jameson could sit on my face and it woudl probably just piss me off.
I asked the same question about Winstrol (winny) which can also be run ED or EOD. The answer was ED because it keeps your blood levels more even.

as for if it is ok to run I guess the answer woiuld be a question. Do you want to have sex?
i ran it alone @ 100 mg ed with good results
i ran it with 250 mg Sustanon (sust) ew and results were comparable
only thing was i was a happier person with test in the mix
I've ran a d-bol and Tren cycle for 6 weeks before and had great results...nothing wrong with the sex drive either.

I've done tren only cycles several times with great results lost fat, gained strength,and added good bit of weight as well. I'm lucky though it doesnt shut me down at all and i gone as long as 12 weeks on it. But the thing with roids is they affect people different something that wont shut you down or give you gyno may very easily give someone else those same sides effects even at low doses. I would suggest trying it cause if you made your own tren its a very cheap cycle just make sure to have post cycle therapy (pct) planned out and have either B6 or bromidex(I believe thats right...I get by on B6) for the gyno that may happen due to the tren bc nolva will do nothing for it. Anyhow i hope this helps.