tren, prop, eq

splain it too him graphy.

OK i will........ he was acting like he was passed out, like a possum does. so iwas trying to wake him up but he wouldnt budge. so i started to have my way with him and saw him smile. that little sneeky devil. he tricked me. anyway for you knew it we was playing cowboys and indians, doctor and all kinda fun games. a good time was had by all cept graphy.
you guys are nuts lol... so i guess i'm going to do 100mg tren 100mg prop and put eq seperate. i was just wondering if anybody has tested it before. i usually just stick around the normal doses. 250 for test and 200 for deca/eq. thanks for the input and entertianment lol...
security1769 said:
you guys are nuts lol... so i guess i'm going to do 100mg tren 100mg prop and put eq seperate. i was just wondering if anybody has tested it before. i usually just stick around the normal doses. 250 for test and 200 for deca/eq. thanks for the input and entertianment lol...

bro i would make the tren, prop and eq all seperate. 3 batches. tren 100 prop 100 and eq can go 400 no prob. you can do the tren prop eod and the eq 1xw. if you make the tren/prop into one solution at 200mg/ml that prolly gonna hurt. thats the beauty of long ester gear. high concentrations, makes up easier, far less injects and is a lot less painfull.

if i was gonna do test, tren eq stack i would go with cyp, tren e and eq. in fact i am currenty doing cyp (2g/w) and tren e (1.2g/w) and only doing 2 shots per week, 5ml each.

cyp is at 333mg/ml and the tren e is at 300mg/ml. all pain free after the first couple of weeks. no biggy before then.

the tren e and the cyp both make up with 2% ba and 15% bb. the eq holds with no solvent. ad a little ba if you like (1-2%).

did we get off track again? that dern graphy. he always turns these threads into porn literature.
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i was just thinking of doing prop for 1: i have quite a bit of powder, 2: because they're both ED - EOD. i'll think everything over and firgure out what i'm going to do...
Nothing wrong with doing prop. I dont think pb's a fan, and niether am I but as far as gains go....test is test you'll do fine either way. If you dont mind the increased injections by all means, hit that shit up.
As far as test/tren/eq goes...Im about to start the second phase of my cycle in T minus 5 minutes. Test enan, tren enan and EQ. Delicious.
yeah if i had to choose between no test and prop, my ass would be getting loaded up everyday with prop. if you already got the powder then by all means. prop and NE id a bit cheaper is why a lot of guys get it but the cyp/enan is still dirt cheap. i started out on short ester/long gear combo years ago but have gradually switched over to all long ester gear. if its NE 17aa i do it orally now.
i have test e, but i'm all out of cyp. i just got done test e, deca, and dbol. so i'm just planing something different then the usual. ED/EOD shots don't really bother me. there's plenty of places to shoot.