Tren/test prop coversion


New member
I've read many posts of people referring to injection pain, stinging, ect... I'm just wondering if somebody would comment on my experience with test prop and tren acetate. The tren was a finaplix kit and the prop was a synovex kit (from D*zed). The first month injections were very sore the next day and even the day after. There was no pain at all (stinging) during any of the injections. The post injection soreness was exactly like muscle soreness from a very intense workout or soreness after a long layoff. It even had the same time frame and reached peak soreness just like DOMs. I was concerned and quite depressed about this as I was worried that the whole cycle would be this way, so I posted questions (on another board) on ways to alleviate the pain. Several suggestions were made that were supposed to help but didn't seem to help much. Someone finally said that I should just hang in there and I would get used to it. Well, that was sorta true, because after the first month the pain subsided almost completely. The prop was about 90 mg/ml and the tren was 75mg/ml. I'm ready to do another cycle using prop again and the tren except this time with powder instead of the pellets. I want to increase the strength of the solutions to 125 mg ml for the prop and 100 mg/ml for the tren. I want these strengths so that I can easily increase the dosages and still maintain EOD injections and not have to do multiple injections on any day. Rather than buy a kit, I thought I'd just buy the supplies and do the conversions. I could buy some of the oil/solvent mix, or some BB, BA, and oil. I was wondering if anyone has used D*zed oil/solvent and compared it to a good similar strength BA/BB/oil mix. I've read that many feel that the oil/solvent of D*azed is more painfree than a typical BB/BA solution. I don't want to have more pain than the last time especially with these higher concentration solutions. Any comments?
buy a 4g fina kit ... make the fina like you would but add prop insted of the plain oil that comes with the kit ... then you will have on injection with both compounds in each inject! usually make a 40-50ml bottle .. you can even add some plain oil if you want to delute it.... you are in control .. make what % you want
Budlite74, that's a good idea, but I like having the solutions seperate so that I have flexability to adjust the dose of each independent of the other. Thanks for the response.