Trenevar Cycle.


New member
Hello all,

Thinking about running a 5-6 week trenavar cycle. It's from PHF Supplements and they claim it converts directly to trenbolone. It's an oral and I was planning on running solo without any test or anything. Does anyone have any recommendations on on-cycle support and dosages? I have Exemestane(AI), tamoxifen(SERM), and Prami(prolactin antagonist) all on hand. I'd also take the traditional liver, muscle, etc.. Support common with orals. Thanks for the responses!!
Dosages will really depend on how YOU respond to it. Different people get different results/sides so just start at a lower dose and work your way up. However, I do not recommend doing a cycle without test, I have and it makes you feel like shit. Tren gives a lot of bad sides anyways, so I would recommend adding in some test if possible- it's not too hard to find. As for the Aromatase inhibitor (AI), you won't need it if you're only running trenavar. Tren doesn't convert to estrogen, and if this is anything like real tren then it'll dry up your joints and destroy your libido. An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) will just make this worse. Not to mention you need at least some estrogen to build mass.
Just that its more readily available is all. Thanks for the feedback! I may think about holding off and looking for some tren ace instead and running it with test prop. Makes totally sense to leave the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) out too! What about the prami though on a cycle like this? As I understand, tren belongs to the 19-nor class and while it doesn't aromatise you can still have prolactin induced sides. Do people generally dose the prami on-cycle or just have it on hand? Also, what's a very general dosage of prami would you say?
I would recommend just using test only for your first cycle. It's not because you "aren't ready" for tren, like a lot of people like to say, it's because it's important to know how your body'll react to steroids- test in particular. Test is the base of every cycle, and for a good reason. It makes you feel good, look good, and doesn't have as many sides. For your first cycle go with test e 500 mg per week for 12-16 weeks. That should put some mass on you.
As far as finding test, I don't have any buddies or anyone I know that would know where/how to get it. Buying online sorta scares the shit out of me but I've read that people successfully do that often. You seem to know quite a bit about this stuff, what's your take on that?
Buying online is safe as long as you know what you're doing. Buy from trusted dealers and always do a source check. Check the domain of sites, talk to your dealer before-hand, and always buy a small quantity before making a large investment. If something sounds too good to be true, chances are it is.