Trens effect on E2 and bloodwork


I am banned!
Heard and read that Tren will show false reading on your E2 readings when you get blood work. I know the 19nor's will effect prolactin levels which will give you the dreaded "deca dic"and other sides. Prolactin levels get high from raised E2. How is the best way to know whats happening if you can't trust your blood work readings?
i had a client turn me on to this..

i want to hear rips opinion on this
The false reading only happens for labs that use the ECLIA methodology for your bloodwork.
So to avoid any false positives you need to get bloodwork from a lab that uses Quest Diagnostics and NOT Labcorp as their main processing service - this means avoiding privatemd if your on tren & using instead.

The female panel is identical to the panel offered by privatemd except testosterone is tested through LCTMS and reads above 1500 (so no false testosterone positives some guys get from deca, etc) and total estrogens are measured in IA not ECLIA - thereby avoiding the false positives and allowing you to keep an eye on things :)
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I've never seen a false reading on a blood test, and that's going up to some fairly high tren doses. Then again, I don't get the sensitive assay either.
Very interested to know, does this depend on the dosage of tren you are on? How long till it is our of your system if your doc does use LabCorp?

Delta Zulu
Very interested to know, does this depend on the dosage of tren you are on? How long till it is our of your system if your doc does use LabCorp?

Delta Zulu

Tren causes false elevations of e2 regardless of dosage - but obviously the higher the dose, the higher the elevation.
In fact, I recall reading the terms & conditions of the Lapcorps tests and they specifically mentioned that their tests wouldn't provide accurate readings for guys on 19-nors.

In terms of how long until it is out of your system...
Tren ace has a half life of 3 days, Tren En is 10 days.
But assuming we're talking a build up of levels rather than 1 dose, the general consensus seems to be around 4-5 months.
Just to be clear, Tren and Deca can cause false positives for test as well as E2? I'm curious about that as I've had some really high TT levels through labcorp when running Deca and Tren and only taking my TRT dose of test. I assumed at the time that the deca/tren were spiked with test...maybe that wasn't the case?