Trestolone Acetate (MENT)


New member
Has anyone used this compound before? If so, what are your experiences?

I read a lot of stuff up on it. Heres a quick breakdown:

-Can be used as a Test base, but better ran WITH test.
-It has a rating of 2300:650
-No insomnia, No night sweats, No aggression, No loss of sex drive at all
-VERY high aromatize
-Low doses of MENT can compare to combo stack of: Test/Tren/Mast
-Dosage: 50-100mg EOD for 6-8 weeks
-Kicks in within a weeks time

Wanted to see what you guys have to say about it. It seems like the "Perfect Tren" to me. A Lab called Pureoils seems to make it.
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Have some on hand that I will be starting in a few months at 100mg EOD from the company you mentioned. I'll definitely be doing a review and if it lives up to its rep....I may propose it to PSL and see if they can start stocking it :)
Have some on hand that I will be starting in a few months at 100mg EOD from the company you mentioned. I'll definitely be doing a review and if it lives up to its rep....I may propose it to PSL and see if they can start stocking it :)

Do u know anyone that has used it from this LAB? I don't know anything about them and there is not much reviews from past users.

The ratios look unusual to me? One of them is 50mg/ml...but the entire bottle is 1000mg total as it says. So does this mean there is 20ml total of 50mg/ml in this 1-2 vials?

I'm not asking this as a stupid question, but Trest is suppose to be very potent and not common at all, yet typical tren vials are nearly double costs in general for just a 10ml bottle...?
If this compound aromatizes at a high rate, does anyone have an info on how to dose your AI along with MENT? That would be the primary concern to me right off the bat. If this compound has the effects of Tren/Mast without the side effects, then I'm highly interested. I would want to know about any and all side effects though, like if there is extreme hair loss like I've heard comes along with Masteron.

Oh and at 50mg/ml, and 1000mg/per Vial, there. That means there are 20ml per vial. Since the typical dose is 100mg, that means you'd be using 2ml per injection, for a total of 10 doses. At a dosing of every other day one vial would last you one dose short of 3 weeks.

I see a Decanoate of Trestolone, why not use the long acting for less frequent injections? I guess the problem would be knowing the dosing for the long acting version. I've read some reviews and the company looks to be legit, they are a legal research company. Trest appears to be like test but a little more potent w/ some feel good effects? That's what I've ready at least. Desoxy-T is like Mast, or Primo apparently, and Dienolone is supposedly like Tren without all the bad sides. So, that may be an option for someone who wants Tren like effects, but can't handle, or want to deal with real Tren.
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If this compound aromatizes at a high rate, does anyone have an info on how to dose your AI along with MENT? That would be the primary concern to me right off the bat. If this compound has the effects of Tren/Mast without the side effects, then I'm highly interested. I would want to know about any and all side effects though, like if there is extreme hair loss like I've heard comes along with Masteron.

Oh and at 50mg/ml, and 1000mg/per Vial, there. That means there are 20ml per vial. Since the typical dose is 100mg, that means you'd be using 2ml per injection, for a total of 10 doses. At a dosing of every other day one vial would last you one dose short of 3 weeks.

Havasu , being a product im sure not many people have tried , and a candidate for TRT ... im sure in order to dial in the AI correctly it would require bloodwork . More then likely like always will always remain in a similar range . But say with the Androgenic number of it being 650 ( slightly higher then tren being 500) id guess that an AI can probably be still around 0.5mg adex to maybe 0.75mg EOD for most
Do u know anyone that has used it from this LAB? I don't know anything about them and there is not much reviews from past users.

The ratios look unusual to me? One of them is 50mg/ml...but the entire bottle is 1000mg total as it says. So does this mean there is 20ml total of 50mg/ml in this 1-2 vials?

I'm not asking this as a stupid question, but Trest is suppose to be very potent and not common at all, yet typical tren vials are nearly double costs in general for just a 10ml bottle...?

I do not know anyone that has used it. I took a chance with it. And they are 20mL vials.....they sell 10mL too I believe.
Havasu , being a product im sure not many people have tried , and a candidate for TRT ... im sure in order to dial in the AI correctly it would require bloodwork . More then likely like always will always remain in a similar range . But say with the Androgenic number of it being 650 ( slightly higher then tren being 500) id guess that an AI can probably be still around 0.5mg adex to maybe 0.75mg EOD for most

Taking back what i said . Trestolone or 7 alpha-methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT) . So its a 19 nor . Meaning it may require caber or prami . Probabaly again close to that of when someone takes tren or slighly higher
I ran PureOils Trest along side a ProHormone stack about a year ago before i grew some balls and started researching injectables.
Strength was through the roof on it and it acted as a fantastic "test base" for my 8 week cycle. i did however run exem the entire time and had to up my dose from 12.5 EOD to 25 ED to handle nip tenderness. I actually sold 2 bottles of it on ebay a few weeks ago because my nips did not like that compound. I ran Prami at a low dose as well to combat prolactin issues.

EDIT: i was running the liquid oral version of this as i stated in the first sentence this is before i started researching testosterone and injectables and yeah i was stupid back then.