
I think im the only person on here that took it without comming off a cycle or taking clomid or nolva after.
Hi folks,

Stumbled across this thread while doing my homework.

Is there still interest in seeing pre and post blood work for trip?

I have some pre use numbers and once the mail runs can schedule/report post use numbers.

Also have Clo/Nol/letro available. Any combination of these that have not been tested yet?

If there is an interest I don't mind sharing information.
I used triptorelin after a 14 weeks of test prop eod and was shut down, may not have been absolutely needed, but No other post and it worked great. went to the doctor 2 months later and my testosterone levels were normal.
I tried this year's back and it seemed to work. I took it like hcg into the stomach though.

I just went through a nasty break up and a few anxiety attacks. Doc told me to cold turkey trt and don't take any pct for a few weeks till I get blood done. But I feel like I'm crashing hard. More anxiety, headaches and lethargy. I have some gnrh, thinking about giving it a go again to restore my body. Did I take it properly?
The common error people do is not to take HCG prior to trip. If your balls are not strong enough, they won't respond to the massive signal surge.

I suggest you do trip at the end of pct if you didn't use hcg and follow up with clomid 24hours later.

I would suggest an AI as well to keep the estrogen in check
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