so let me get this straight. you posted your uber sweet stash and he got shitty? did i miss anything?
queers I just said its not a good idea to post private sources like the newb 49er fag did...Fuckin newbs
queers I just said its not a good idea to post private sources like the newb 49er fag did...Fuckin newbs
nope your moms..tell the bitch to make me a sandwich
Hes definitely some young little fag that has nothing better to do in his pathetic life than to fuck with people on here cuz in person he'd get his ass beat down
nope your moms..tell the bitch to make me a sandwich
Here we go again.....
You have rubbed off in a good way on me bro. I don't take shit anymore, and especially donst let shit be said about my ology bro's!!!