Troll alert


I am ******!
postworkoutballz got his feelings hurt so now hes going around talking shit. He is being a little punk ass bitch so lets show him a warm welcome to ology.
so let me get this straight. you posted your uber sweet stash and he got shitty? did i miss anything?
so let me get this straight. you posted your uber sweet stash and he got shitty? did i miss anything?

Ya and once he said im just messing with u and try to ask me a question I think he got hurt because I didn't answer him lol
queers I just said its not a good idea to post private sources like the newb 49er fag did...Fuckin newbs

Your bipolar u just sent me a visitor message trying to be nice and yesterday said u were kidding fuck off dude. I read all ur posts since u been hete not one useful all u do is come off like a smart ass. Your showing your fucken worthless here. Most of us are here to in courage snd help each other out all you do is run ur mouth :flipoffha
Hes definitely some young little fag that has nothing better to do in his pathetic life than to fuck with people on here cuz in person he'd get his ass beat down
Hes definitely some young little fag that has nothing better to do in his pathetic life than to fuck with people on here cuz in person he'd get his ass beat down

He`s a real keyboard warrior, thinking of a fitting name for him.
Sitting Bull was a real Indian warrior so I`ll call him Sitting Bullshit
nope your moms..tell the bitch to make me a sandwich

Shut the fuck up, turn around and take the ology train up the ass like a good little bitch. You have proved you are a worthless fuck and deserve nothing. I bet i could lift more with my cock alone that you could with any exercise. Lets get all the guys raging on some dope Tren and pay this guy a
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You have rubbed off in a good way on me bro. I don't take shit anymore, and especially donst let shit be said about my ology bro's!!!

LOL... I don't take shit from no one. Never did, never will. You are learning from the best Son.