TRT blood work makes no sense!!!!


New member
Alright, long story short. My trt protocol is 250mg PHARM grade test per week and 200mg UG deca per week along with 1000iu pharm grade hcg per week and 1 mg pharm grade adex per week. On the above stated protocol, TT was 1290ng/dl and e2 was 30pg/ml. (Both were measured using LCMS)

Anyway, I decide to cut. Limit calories to 2300 per day and have made great progress. Also, i added 400mg of kalpa masteron to the above protocol and upped my adex dose to 1.5mg per week just because j wanted to lower e2 a tad more. After about 6 weeks with the added mast and increased AI dose, I get tested again. Same exact test (lcms) with the EXACT same pharm grade test and everything else I stated above. Literally only thing I changed was AI dose and added mast. Results come back and TT was 860 ng/dl and e2 was 16. WTF!!!!! I mean I get e2 than makes sense but why the hell would be TT go down?? Can anyone explain this???
Define pharm grade test for me. Are we talking Watson/Pfizer/Sun/etc from a pharmacy like CVS at 100/200mg/ml, or is this compounding/UGL claiming it's pharm?
Ok so the UGL gear is bunk this is pretty accurate levels for 250mg pharma grade gear in up and down of time in-between shots. Halandale is fine they sell the same brands as walgreens or cvs they are a national chain.
I'm talking halendale pharmacy based out of Florida. It is a compounding pharmacy, yes.

As Tron mentioned, I've seen quite a few inconsistencies in compounding pharmacy gear as of late. I don't want to speculate, but I do know of a recent bust where they were selling underdosed testosterone on purpose to market the rest for underground purposes.

Not saying that's definitely the case here, but it's certainly a possibility.
As Tron mentioned, I've seen quite a few inconsistencies in compounding pharmacy gear as of late. I don't want to speculate, but I do know of a recent bust where they were selling underdosed testosterone on purpose to market the rest for underground purposes.

Not saying that's definitely the case here, but it's certainly a possibility.

Not possible with a licensed compounding pharmacy the government quality controls require every thing batched over a certain amount must be tested and documented. The pharmacies don't have equipment that allows batches smaller than that. I'm working on pharmacy project now. Hallandale is one of the largest national chains in North America. They don't run batches smaller enough to not get documented and tested. These are goverment inspectors in the labs where compounding is done. Just like the saluter houses have an inspector from the USDA that work full time there on location.

The issue a few years back with the compounding pharmacy responsible for distributing contaminated product and killing people brought free wheeling pharma to an end. Truth is very few compounding pharmacies actually compound. Most just distribute generic products made by big pharma in bulk and bottle and label it.
Not possible with a licensed compounding pharmacy the government quality controls require every thing batched over a certain amount must be tested and documented. The pharmacies don't have equipment that allows batches smaller than that. I'm working on pharmacy project now. Hallandale is one of the largest national chains in North America. They don't run batches smaller enough to not get documented and tested. These are goverment inspectors in the labs where compounding is done. Just like the saluter houses have an inspector from the USDA that work full time there on location.

The issue a few years back with the compounding pharmacy responsible for distributing contaminated product and killing people brought free wheeling pharma to an end. Truth is very few compounding pharmacies actually compound. Most just distribute generic products made by big pharma in bulk and bottle and label it.

Hmmmm. This was last year, and yes - they were a licensed pharmacy. The one that was busted locally by me doesn't seem to have anything I could find on Google, which is unfortunate as it was all about AAS, not multiple drugs.

Not trying to be argumentative, and I'm not speculating on the legitimacy of OP's pharmacy - just demonstrating that it most certainly does happen, and I've heard multiple cases where folks are seeing inconsistent numbers on blood tests - even with rock-solid protocols and testing practices.
As trt is an exploding market and my trt meds have doubled in price and as gubment official s make dick for money and as Pharmacies make bank and rx drug companies make billions....just saying...

Here s an idea

Get another test.
Can't believe I'd ever have to worry about about the possibility of a licensed pharmacy selling underdosed gear. What in the actual fuck lol. Does anyone know of a trt clinic that sells Watson?
Where s there is a way to make money there is a way to make mo money and if u want things to grind to a hault, run amok or end in catastrophe put the government on it and ur sure to see it go to hell.
2 space shuttles
that epa disaster involving a river and all it s tributaries turning mercurial red
BP oil spill
Katrina disasterous response time
FDA drug re calls that we HEAR about
Lost nukes we never hear about
Border security

Where u been ?

Call around..most have 800 numbers---ask ur iphone.
Where s there is a way to make money there is a way to make mo money and if u want things to grind to a hault, run amok or end in catastrophe put the government on it and ur sure to see it go to hell.
2 space shuttles
that epa disaster involving a river and all it s tributaries turning mercurial red
BP oil spill
Katrina disasterous response time
FDA drug re calls that we HEAR about
Lost nukes we never hear about
Border security

dont forget the Warren commission.
Not possible with a licensed compounding pharmacy the government quality controls require every thing batched over a certain amount must be tested and documented. The pharmacies don't have equipment that allows batches smaller than that. I'm working on pharmacy project now. Hallandale is one of the largest national chains in North America. They don't run batches smaller enough to not get documented and tested. These are goverment inspectors in the labs where compounding is done. Just like the saluter houses have an inspector from the USDA that work full time there on location.

The issue a few years back with the compounding pharmacy responsible for distributing contaminated product and killing people brought free wheeling pharma to an end. Truth is very few compounding pharmacies actually compound. Most just distribute generic products made by big pharma in bulk and bottle and label it.

I'd have to disagree as well DPR. Compounding pharmacies are utilized for their ability to customize their medication. I know the one I use makes my test cyp as I order it. If you want 120mg/mL they will do it, if you want 210mg/mL they will do that. For that reason, with some products they don't make large batches. They are made as the orders come in. I only know this because one of my scripts was late to ship so I called the pharmacy myself and asked what the hold-up was. I could definitely see how they could get away with shaving a bit off the top to re-sell on the black market. I myself have even notice inconsistencies in blood work with them.