TRT Dosage + Clen and ECA Stack Alternating Thoughts? Need Some help


New member
I've Ran ECA a while back for maybe a week or two at most. I was only doing 1 dosage of it per day. I handled it very well.

I'm looking to run 2 weeks: ECA, 2 Weeks: Clen.

I've never Ran clen before.

My 2 weeks of ECA is going to look like:
Dosage: 200mg Caff + 25mg Eph
2PM, 6PM, 10PM (I might adjust the times, if it's not good to run ECA Late Night, but it will reamin min 4 Hours Apart)

I'm going to be Using RUI Clen for the next 2 weeks, then rotate back to ECA. I have no idea of my tolerance Nor how to proper dose it and with only 2 weeks to build up, then come off, its seems kind of pointless to start really low for a week? What Should I be looking at to run it?

I tend to handle Stims Fairly Well.

I will be running a deficit as well and about 500-750mg test E PW.
Mike I can t do clen as it make s me nervous sleepless and kill s my appetite but the only way to see if u r able and what dose reguires trial and error.
Someone will wade in I m sure. ECA -never done it.
Is that you in the avi ? If you get any more ripped u ll be handing out band aids as you ll bleed anyone u bump into...looking good son.
I agree with T, as in if your.avi is current or your bf is close to What it was then I dont see why you would want to burn off anymore bf. Unless you heading for a stage soon. Imo. I don't know the mg amount but when I ran eca I took Primatene tabs for my ephedrine source. That shit literally melts the fat off. I wouldn't recommend it anyone. RUI Clen didnt come close to the intensity of ephidrine, imo
I agree with T, as in if your.avi is current or your bf is close to What it was then I dont see why you would want to burn off anymore bf. Unless you heading for a stage soon. Imo. I don't know the mg amount but when I ran eca I took Primatene tabs for my ephedrine source. That shit literally melts the fat off. I wouldn't recommend it anyone. RUI Clen didnt come close to the intensity of ephidrine, imo

That was me at 180ish lbs. I am more near 194. I did a failed bulk on bunk gear with a poor diet to save u a story (on my other thread lol).
I'll be starting ECA today, but I want to try clen. Just for the experience. I'm finding thing out for my body first hand. I heard so many storys on how good anadrol was and I bought it and could not bulk on it lol, so it's good to test each substance over time IMO. Clen is one I want coming up. I know I handle ECA fairly easy already.

What do u think starting dose should be for 2 weeks on? How Do i know its its too much?

EDIT: Nvm didn't see u say u have no idea on doses :(
I suppose I'll bump thread and look around still.
I think it s micro gram s but u tube it

Clenbuterol was a bovine analgesic I think but the U S . banned it. In Euro it s still used. It made me hot as well...guess it s got thermo genic property s s too. Ephedrine was is a bronchial dialater too I think.
We used to buy them here at Circle K s and 7/11 s and abuse the hell out of them on squat or dead lift day s.
For the long term of course not.
For the time being, I do.
I Only plan to use AAS and a High TRT dosage till I get a true shredded down, Good Size for my height build.

Then I plan on dropping TRT to something lower like 125mg PW. Maybe just 200mg per 2 weeks. I don't really plan on coming off. It doesn't effect my fertility. I learned it first hand already and I take care of my health.

-Cholesterol: Garlic Supps, Tons of Fiber
-BP: Checked usually only when I run other Substances, But I always run 5-10mg CIA ED for it. I also have Beetroot/Celery Seed/Fish oils On hand in case it rises.
-RBC/Hemo: I donate after cycles. (This one I prob tbh should do more). I run Accutane a ChemoDrug ED too, It actually helps to lower cell count on this
-Liver: 600mg NAC ED on test TRT, Depending on oral AAS dosage I will take like 2.4g NAC and 3 Liv52 Caps
-I do bloods, Mid Cycle Usually. Sometimes end of cycle, but I remain on, so it doesn't matter too much IMO Aslong as above is in check.
I think it s micro gram s but u tube it

Clenbuterol was a bovine analgesic I think but the U S . banned it. In Euro it s still used. It made me hot as well...guess it s got thermo genic property s s too. Ephedrine was is a bronchial dialater too I think.
We used to buy them here at Circle K s and 7/11 s and abuse the hell out of them on squat or dead lift day s.

Yes I know RUI Clen is measured in mcg. I know some of the sides and how bad it can get. I've never used this thermo before though.
ECA is super easy to get at any drugstore in my state. They will only sell u a few packs at a time though, but u can just get some friends to come with u lol.