Truegrit's triple stack sarm log


New member
Alright, I have been taking Ostarine 25mg/ed, GW50 20mg/ed & MK677 25mg/ed...and guess what? I am turning into my shit! I have been on for 6 days...already gone from 182 to 186...endurance is absolutely insane, and my workouts...well, they might have to hire security to drag me out of there sometime soon...haha.

Pumps are tight and vascularity is def increasing. I feel like I did last time I ran test, tren e, and winny cycle! Plus a topping of clen!

Biggest difference is in my biceps and delts...6 days and imploding? Shit! I am also actually sleeping great with the help of some ambien and my diet is strictly fitting and clean for what I am looking to do. I have cut out sugar 100% which sucks, but needed to be done. Tons of fruit and veggies and of course my tuna, chicken breast, beef, and 1 semi-cheat day per week where I might go crazy on carbs. Protein is not where I exactly want it to be, but I have kidney issues and per my nephrologist...nothing crazy (so, I almost get to the crazy point ;)

Wanted to workout tomorrow, but going to take it easy and go fishing...many bass will be mine tomorrow!
Definitely been slacking on my log...but its more important for me to work with others and for you to read theirs than mine. Someone logging not affiliated with the company supplying the products is obviously going to be much more reputable in the eyes of members, and for good reason.

But, today is day 10 and I have not hit the gym yet. My weight is currently sitting nicely at 188, a 6lb increase. Definitely loving the GW for its punch to the face it hits you with minutes after ingesting. I was extremely busy yesterday, and decided to choose my Muay Thai class over the gym. I took my Osta and MK677 earlier and the GW right before class. No surprise that it worked like a charm for an intense hour of training!

Diet is and has been the cleanest ever since I started. Still no sugar, and I crave it everyday...but I take it as a challenge everyday, and far, lol. My sleep pattern was for shit 3 days this week and that was due to overworking myself in my day to day life outside the gym. 18 hour days are no fun, especially when conflicts are in play. But, got some great sleep last night, and ready to hit the gym tonight...which I wish was here already. My buddy asked me to come to his gym tonight, so no early workout for me. Also doing legs tonight, which is always additionally tough due to my chronic lower back pain that I've struggled with for many years.

I will post later...thanks y'all!
Gritt clean your inbox lol. Fit guy you should do that. I am interested in doing that stack also and gritt is having awesome results keep up the log alot are Interested in this stack
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Day 13 and I went bestmode in the gym. Switched my routine up and did a lot of resistance training on chest and bi's along with hammer strength and dumbbells. Worked out with another old friend of mine, and he's freaking huge, so went along with him this evening. I liked his workout a lot and will def be mixing it in a little. Resistance training has an all together different feel, much better range of motion...only lacks the weight of free weights. But, it was a nice change and I feel tight across the chest and my bi's are pulsating as we speak.

I forgot to weigh my self earlier today, but at the gym I weighed in at 189ish, lol. So, the triple stack is def living up to the hype. I've been noticing that I am having to force myself to eat the past 2-3 days. Just not as hungry as usual for some reason...maybe bc my schedule is so hectic, idk.

Well, I'll report in again tomorrow.