Trying it again and have a few questions Test C, Sustanon 250, Tren E, Deca


New member
I ran this stack
Monday ,Wed
Test C 250mg/ml
Sus 250mg/ml
Deca 100mg/ml

Mon, Wed, Fri
Tren E 150 mg

I had great results and my only side effects were mild back acne. I ran this for 11 weeks when I had to stop because I couldn't get it anymore. My question is I took that at 28 and am wanting to run it again, I'm 30 now and was wondering if the side effects would change be any different, also is it redundant to take test c and sust together? I know the the body can dispose of or convert any extra test...the prostate may convert it dehydroxytestosterone which causes benign hypLasix or the possibility of gyno. I experienced none of these problems in the 11 weeks is it safe to assume I took it long enough to experience all the side effects? Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.
Yes, you certainly were on cycle long enough to experience side effects from the above drugs. Unfortunately though, you cannot see or feel all of the possible sides that potentially can arise. A blood test will help determine if there are certain issues going on or not, but I really think some more homework is needed before you go delving into another cycle - especially one involving trenbolone.

Please read the stickies at the top of this forum so you understand why I'm telling you that you did your last cycle incorrectly and to better appreciate the luck involved in recovery with a lack of PCT in the aforementioned cycle.

To the easily addressable questions:

1. Correct, sustanon and testosterone cypionate/enanthate do not need to be run together as sustanon contains long esters on top of short ones. In fact, to truly benefit from sustanon, you would need to inject more frequently than 2x a week, or the short esters decay before building up enough to matter.

2. The prostate has nothing to do with "excess" testosterone, as the hormone is excreted via the kidneys and to a small degree, the liver as feces/urine. I have a feeling that you're thinking of conversion to estradiol, which is done via aromatase (a CYP metabolic pathway) and is prevented with the use of an aromatase inhibitor. This is why I want you to read the stickies as an AI should be used in EVERY cycle.

Or you can find out what side effect really does get the prostate involved, and I assure you that prostatitis is no bueno. (or worse if very unlucky)

Please stick around and spend a day reading up on what you will find has been lacking. Once you finish those stickies, hopefully you'll have some better informed questions that I'm sure we'd be more than happy to help you with.

My .02c :)
HW and Tbone have given you a good START. Test optimally is an e o d pin to max the benefit of the prop ester of which sus has in it along w 3 other ester s.
If you d run 2 test s together it would be h20 test w e d pins or prop e o d till the cyp kicked in.....
Now if what I typed spun ve no business running gear especially tren my friend but please do not go away.

Tell me about you.

cycles run
how fat are you
training both length and type--- You trying to be competitive in power or bbding ? Or a fitness fag porn star looking vanity driven guy like me ?
POST A PIC-worth 10 posts.