trying to put mistakes right


New member
Hello , this is my first post here after making many uneducated and careless mistakes , im now 22 and havnt taken anything for 3+ years , to cut it short I took epistane in my teens , then a cheap superdrol then did superdrol sd matrix , totaly casual about it all , my training partner got it for me so I took it with him , no pct or anything like that , I didn't even know what pct was and to be honest I didn't have a clue about pro hormones , I then got gyno it was a total night mare and I've since had it operated on and out 2 months ago, I have also since then alot of time online reading and researching. But my question is since the op I can feel a small knot under one of my nips and it's worrying me ,it isn't sore at all and I'm hoping it residual tissue..... I have some nolvadex but don't want to take it if I'm don't have too , the last blood work I had was before my op about 18 months ago I had "normal" t and e levels , test was only 360 witch makes me worried I've done peeminant damage to my t levels but I don't know what they were before I tried anything

What do you guys think and would taking nolvadex potentially raise my t up perminatly , im going to do some bloodwork soon , I work in a hospital and can have my blood work done whenever
U should discuss this stuff with your doc and get bloods done again
Your t levels at your age are pretty low, app to get bloods done again no sense taking more shit when the harm.has already been done
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Well he seems to think everything is fine despite me saying the levels might be withing the parameters of what is normal in the world of medicine but are/were low for my age as it was a test I had 18 months ago , is it possible my body was still sorting it's self out,I feel fine with sex drive , feel strong in the gym and I'm lean , striated quads , with no pro hormone use for years, maybe a new blood work sheet will be a little more enlightening ?
Your last bloodwork was a year and a half ago...there's literally no way of knowing what's going on, it isn't even worth speculating until you get some updated bloods.
Yeah I think that's for the best , does anyone think a low dose of nolva as a precaution incase the gyno is coming back or get blood work with a clear system
I know if I had gyno surgery and they missed some, I'd be right back in that office not-so-politely asking they finish the job. In other words, have a doctor confirm if it's breast tissue or not; you don't want to go throwing drugs at something that may need to be addressed in another manner.

My .02c :)
Well he says he thinks it's scar tissue but I'm not so convinced it's a really little amount and I think it was left to stop the nipple becoming cratered , it isn't visible I can just feel it .... ide just rather be safe than sorry having been through this once already
Well he says he thinks it's scar tissue but I'm not so convinced it's a really little amount and I think it was left to stop the nipple becoming cratered , it isn't visible I can just feel it .... ide just rather be safe than sorry having been through this once already

Get a second opinion. There is a limited amount of time that can pass before they make you pay again to cut you open. Many docs know this, so they hold off on finding "missed" items that should have been taken care of the first time.
Well he says he thinks it's scar tissue but I'm not so convinced it's a really little amount and I think it was left to stop the nipple becoming cratered , it isn't visible I can just feel it .... ide just rather be safe than sorry having been through this once already

I had the surgery as well, had the same complaint and received the same answer for what that's worth.
Well the op was Purley for aesthetics so it's what I wanted jn that respect, I had it done abroad so it's not so easy to walk in and show them ect , has your changed at all since you noticed it ?