Turkey and steroids


New member
Hi, I'll be going to Turkey right after this summer and I was wondering if anyone have ever been there shopping for roids, I've heard its quite easy to get there...and if I cant get any human grade steroids from the pharmacies, would it be possible to visit a vet or something to get Equi ?
I hear they got Primos there! Turkey though huh ? I would love to visit there. I hear its beautiful? Why are you visiting? family or something?
Sorry I have never been and i cant ansewer your question, but have fun.
Pharmacies are amazing places in Turkey, I've been there 2 years ago.
I really don't know about vets, sorry.
Lets certainly hope they have primo there Gmill13, I'd kill for some Primo and Equi..near impossible to get around here. I'll be on a schooltrip there, all the last year college students will go there to party, we will be visiting Aya Napia so I would have to ferry over to Turkey :)
Batman, please elaborate...what did they have to offer...Im gonna feel like a kid in a candystore if I see friggin shelves with roids :D
Canuck4, could you elaborate a bit ? What can I get from the pharmacies ? ;) Thanks a ton for all the replies btw :D
Sustanon, Primo, Anapolan Anadrol, Clen, T3 Nolva, Testovirons etc.....
Kickass prices also.
If I went I would probably stocked up for a few years :D
Canuck4 said:
Sustanon, Primo, Anapolan Anadrol, Clen, T3 Nolva, Testovirons etc.....
Kickass prices also.
If I went I would probably stocked up for a few years :D

Yes, you can find almost everything but not everywhere: I tried in Fetyie (a small turistic village) and did not fin much. In Marmaris (still a village but little bigger) I could find a lot of stuff. No prescription, nice prices.
Oh holy fuck, I will stock up for 10 years :D

1 shampoo bottle of Sustanon (sust) and 1 sun tan lotion bottle of primo...the clenbuterol orals will be harder to smuggle...I'll find a way though ;)
I think the Primo goes for aprox 6$ but if you by like a hundred then maybe 5$

Smuggle the gear in vodka bottles use some glue to fix the little ring that goes off when the bottle is opend :cool:

Never done this but it sounds like a plan or?:confused:
trivox, good plan but I've heard about ppl having great success with sun lotion bottles, heard about a few ppl getting busted while smuggling it in shampoo bottles though, the custom agents opened it and smelled...hmms smell free shampoo? ;)