Two different suppliers, same hormone, BIG difference.


New member
I originally made some prop for my current cycle, and used it for around 9 weeks at 700mg/w. This powder was from supplier a. At around week 6 I decided to order some goodies from a different supplier. Among the assortment was some more prop powder, most of which was converted and sold but I had 5g to spare. So i decided to fire it up for a few weeks and BAM. This stuff has some new kick to it. My libido is through the roof. My stats are the same, as are my wieghts in the gym. Funny thing is I told no1 of this and I had a few people who switched from some QV prop to mine, who commented on thier new found sex drive. Im not sure what to conclude, if anything. But this is some great shit.
maybe there was some accidently placed cailis or viagra powder into the prop mix? who
but yeah, ive heard people say that each suppliers powder might vary in results...
pullinbig said:
i believe you wife is in trouble. better get her on it.
The chick im seeing right now cant really keep up. LOL, put her on test? She weighs in at 107 lbs, 5'4. Id like to keep her that way, I can easily snap her in half in bed if i wanted to. Damn, the vial is callin my name, time to shoot this crazy shit!
she can do 100mg per week no prob. she'll screw you eyes then. trust me. that stuff will make a slut out of a nun. start her on 33mg 3x/w. see how she tolerates it then up it to 50mg 3x/w. that will be plenty. if she starts to add a littl ewater cut it back. prop not too bad for water. not like enan or cyp.
lol. Ok pb, you've convinced me. Ive never done a chick that has juiced but Ive always wanted to, even if it was just a short stint of var or eq. Is the sex really all its cracked up to be?
I have come close to getting my wife to try a little test. no luck thus far.

I have contemplated giving her a little prick in her sleep, but that might be a little unethical.


Oh, as for the effects of test; test is test, and will only do what test does, so the only thing that I can think would be a factor is the purity level of the powder, which would result in a higher concentration of the hormone.
Placebo effect maybe? I also upped my dosage of tren at the same time from 75eod to 100eod. I ruled that out from being the cause though. Actually had a threesome last night with two really young chicks and at times couldnt stay hard. Go figure.....guess ill be visiting the cialis thread next.
sometimes in some folks tren will cause the pecker to not follow the heart. same with deca. both 19 nors.

as far as a woman on test. holy lips on fire batman!! once she gets to the point that her clit starts to enlarge, get red and sensitive you better hold on baby. you better be doing at least a gram/week. she ghonna punk you ass out if you aint ready. let her do what she wants to. you'll thank me later. some women can tolerate as much as 400mg/w before water, hair and bumps kick in. if you got one of those, OMG!! but to be honest those sides dont bother me because the good outweighs the bad 1000 fold IMHO. =0)

yes!!!! teat in woman is all its cracked up top be. there was a babe in the xxx section tha twas obviously on test . she was a stud and hung like a mule. i would have sucked that clit til the cows came home. you guys owe ot to your selves to get your women on test. if she dont like shots get enan or cyp so once a week will do. takes about 3 week stil it kicks in then hold on.
alittl oral Winstrol (winny) 10-15mg/d will help as well. help keep water down and add more pizzazz too.